3,265 entries as of May 8, 2017

Verbs are listed first by their bare root and then by their active imperfect infinitive. For irregular verbs, please see the relevant sections in the reference grammar. Verbs derived from irregular verbs via a prefix are also irregular and share endings with the root verb.


abgä́li (adj.) approximate

adda (adj.) red

                addaspo (adj.) light red

                addašoi (adj.) dark red

afolķ, afolķţi (vt) acquire; obtain

afron (n) knee

afu, avi (vi) go (irregular, classless)

                avau (n) going; (with ordinal) time

afwa (adj.) young

agdïŋ (n) emotion

agdït (n) heart; seat of emotion

agért, agérţţi (vi) shrink; shrivel

aič (n) cave

aidač (n) appendage; body part

aigj (adv.) often

aijyţ, aijyţţi (vt) envy; resent

                aijyţj (n) envy; resentment

aili (interj.) uh-oh; expression of impending doom

aimpraikki (n) radio [from ainu praikki, “air noise-maker”]

ainamb, ainambzi (vt) throw; propel (irregular, class V)

ainu (n) air

aiŋk (n) throat

aiol, aiolḑi (vi) grieve

                aiolet (n) grief

                ekaiol, ekaiolḑi (vt) put to grief; make grieve; bereave

aišoi (n) thunder

aišu (n) lightning

                blünaišu (n) epilepsy

aitsë (adj.) proud (negative connotation)

aiţţalk (n) anguish

aiu, aiuḑi (vi) breathe

aiet (n) breath; intake of air

blünaiu (n) asthma

aiǯ (n) lip

                aidzë (n) philtrum; the concave protrusion between the nose and upper lip

akëv (n) hip

akrün (n) waist

(interj.) bah; expression of disdain

al (interj.) ah; expression of pleasure

am (aux.) of (genitive)

ama (n) color

ambai (n) jury

amblez, ambleži (vt) carry (irregular, class VII)

amblerţ, amblerţţi (vt) transport

amčad, amčaḑḑi (vt) paint

amgasno, amgasnoḑi (vt) mention (irregular, class Ia)

ammaŋ (n) flower

ammaš (adj.) red-orange

                ammašog (adj.) light red-orange

                ammašøš (adj.) dark red-orange

ammuz (adj.) public

                ammužžem (n) publicity

amo, amoḑi (vt) add

                amoki (n) addend

                ammäg (n) sum

ampa (n) iris (of eye)

ampseg, ampsegḑi (vt/vi) continue; perpetuate

                ampsegin (adj.) continual; constant; perpetual

ampu (n) crystal

amuš, amušši (vi) profit; make money; have left over

                amušmem (n) capitalism

an (aux.) of (partitive)

ančant (n) the fourth month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [from aŋk čant, "autumn sowing"]

anh (n) spring; oasis

annat (adj.) red-violet

                annatog (adj.) light red-violet

                annatøš (adj.) dark red-violet

anţ (n) dough

aŋglai (n) reed

aŋglör (n) crop; domesticated food-producing plant

aŋglu (n) past

aŋk, andri (vt) sow; plant (irregular, class IV)

                aŋkä (n) planted field; a planting

aŋkarrauf (n) the eleventh month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [from aŋk arrauf, "spring sowing"]

aŋkraǯ (n) jacaranda tree [from aŋkrau-ždau, “garden-tree”]

aŋkrau (n) garden

aŋkref (n) plant; green living non-animal

ar (num.) seven

arbjëg, arbjëgḑi (vi) compete

arbod (n) wrist

ardaķ, ardaķţi (vt) confess

arg (n) curve

argel (n) ring; jewelry worn on a finger

ark, arkţi (vt) lock

arpom (n) elbow

arraŋ (n) seed

arrauf (n) spring; the transitional period after winter and before summer

arveit (n) ankle

arvež, arvežži (vi) gestate; be pregnant

ar̂óždu (adj.) liberal

ašu, ašuḑi (vt) invest

aţyg, aţygḑi (vi) cheat; defraud

au (num.) four

                auš (adj.) fourth, as in a sequence

                auč (n) quarter

                auf (adv./adj.) four times; quadruple

ãu (adv.) immediately; right away; straightaway

auan (adj.) long

                auanj (n) long time; diacritic indicating vowel length or tenseness

                auanüs (n) unit of distance equal to 3.1602 kilometers

                ekauan, ekauanḑi (vt) lengthen

aud (n) father

used as a verb: auḑḑi beget; produce a child

audǯab (n) father-in-law

audõ (n) ethic

                audonin (adj.) ethical

                nauaudonin (adj.) unethical

aug (n) link, as in a chain

                pjaug (n) chain

auhũ (adj.) real; physical; tangible; concrete; material

                auhunet (n) reality

                ekauhũ, ekauhunḑi (vt) realize; make real

                auhummeš (adj.) realistic; simulated; credible

aukau (n) physical power; might

aukaišun (adj.) electronic; electric (from aukau aišuwin “lightning power”)

aulan (adv.) progressive auxiliary

aumbj (n) character; moral integrity

aumïk (adj.) grand; great

                aumïx̌em (n) grandeur; greatness

aumprïl, aumprïlḑi (vt) decorate

aundë (adj.) moral

                ŵehaundë (adj.) amoral

                aundëšem (n) moral goodness

aunë (n) second

aurë (adv.) still (continuative)

auskar (n) seal (as of wax)

                ekauskar; ekauskarḑi (vt) seal; put a seal on

ausso, aussoḑi (vt/vi) beg; entreat; beseech (irregular, class Ia)

autke (n) morality

autoi (n) power, political

auxil (n) energy

                ekauxil, ekauxilḑi (vt) energize; excite

auxilenj (n) vigor [from auxil-äšmenj “energy-spirit”]

auǯabdaž (n) father of a sibling's spouse

auǯapšïv (n) father of a child's spouse

axu (prep.) left (of)

                vaiaxu (adj.) left-handed

az (n) a, the 10th letter of the alphabet

aǯ (n) rust; corrosion

                ečaǯ, ečadǯi (vi) rust; corrode; gnaw


äbj (n) teardrop

ädla, ädlaḑi (vi) vibrate; flap one’s wings

                ädlazäţ (vi) quake (ground) [used impersonally only]

                ädlazäţet (n) earthquake

äḑoš (n) element

-äg (deriv.) verb result

ägben (n) heart; coronary muscle

                blünägben (n) coronary disease

                blünčägben (n) heart attack

ägdart (adj.) clever; shrewd

ägjax (adj.) angry

ägjaxüs (n) fury

                ägjax̌em (n) anger

                ekägjax, ekägjaxsi (vt) enrage

äglam, äglamḑi (vt) warn

                äglammem (n) alarmism

ähhu, ähhuḑi (n/vt) glue

äho, ähoḑi (vt) spare; withhold

äķrë, äķrëḑi (vt) exit

älgör (n) circle

                älgörin (adj.) circular

                älgörem (n) social cycle theory

                älgöruč (n) trigonometry

                älgördi (adv.) round about; in a circular path

ämpra (adj.) coarse; rough

ända, ändaḑi (vi) wait

äŋkra (n) hour

äŋkri, äŋkriḑi (vi) hope; be optimistic

äpkaur, äpkaurḑi (vi) hurry; hasten

äpsolše, äpsolšeḑi (vt) estimate

ä́skai (n) world

äskoč (n) planet

äšmenj (n) spirit

                äšmenjin (adj.) spiritual

                ekäšmenj, ekäšmenjiḑi (vt) inspire

                ašmenjerwäs (n) demon

                ekäšmenjerwäs, ekäšmenjerwässi (vt) demonize; (passive) be demon-possessed

äzbud, äzbuḑḑi (vt) pollute

äžnu (n) rate

äǯ (n) ä, the 9th letter of the alphabet


b (prep.) with (with dative); instead of, rather than (with accusative); at, by means of (with instrumental)

ba- (deriv.) -ful

bač (n) name

bahet, baheţţi (vt) abuse

baijëš (n) synagogue; Javite community religious center

baišnŕ, baišnŕḑi (vt) imagine

bakaf (adv.) always; forever; every time

                bakafet (n) eternity

                bakafetin (adj.) eternal

bakai (pron.) everyone

bakan (pron.) every way

bakëza (pron.) everywhere

bakkolomh (n) family name; surname

bakoin (pron.) every kind; all kinds

bakol (pron.) everything

bal (pron.) you (pejorative singular)

bala (pron.) you (pejorative plural)

balai (interj.) hallelujah; expression of praise

balsu, balsuḑi (vt) bless

bamïn (n) power, exponential

                vämbamïn (n) root (mathematical)

bar (adj./pron./conj.) all three (similar to both)

bar̂u, bar̂uḑi (vt/vi) mourn; lament

bau (adj.) any

bauf (adv.) any time

baujau (adv.) for any reason

baujus (pron.) any amount

baukai (pron.) anyone

bauķ, bauķţi (vt) mix

baulo (pron.) anything

baumoin (pron.) any kind

baunai (pron.) anyway; in any way; at all

bauŋ (adj./pron./conj.) both; each of the two

bauw (prep.) anywhere in or near (with dat.)

bauza (pron.) anywhere

baxïŋk (n) identity; personal name

                baxïŋkin (adj.) positive (in the mathematical sense); identical

bax̌an (prep.) all over; covering

bax̌öp (adj.) all; each; every

bädŕ, badŕḑi (vi) itch

bägba, bägbaḑi (vt) share

                bägbamem (n) communism

                bägbakei(s) (n) partaker

bečoiŋ, bečoindi (vi) suffice; be enough; be qualified (irregular, class III)

bedai (adj.) full

                bedaišem (n) fullness

bedau, bedauḑi (vt/vi) fill; fulfill (irregular, class Ib)

                bedauäg (n) fulfillment

belgjũ (n) bastard; illegitimate child; scoundrel; one who is good for nothing [taboo, highly insulting]

bemmurt, bemmurţi (vt) improve; edit (irregular, class VIII)

ben (prep.) between

benafu, benavi (vt/vi) act as agent; arbitrate (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

benainamb, benainambzi (vt) interject (irregular, class V)

                benainambet (n) interjection

bendraši, bendrašiḑi (vi) intervene (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

bendrolgo, bendrolgoḑi (vt) upset; disturb; agitate; disquiet; bother (irregular, class Ia)

benïž, benïžži (vt/vi) commit (to); enter into (an agreement)

bennaroi, bennaroiḑi (vt) analyze; think critically about; find (an answer) by reasoning (irregular, class Ib)

benölk, benölkti (vi) leave a gap (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

bentsi, bentsiḑi (vt) sever; cut through

bentsul, bentsuldi (vt) intercept; interrupt (irregular; see the paradigm for sul)

benukrïfwo, benukrïfwoḑi (vt) draw a circle around; hem in (irregular, class Ia)

benuķräš, benuķräšši (vt/vi) wind; twist around; play with (hair)

benul̂øŋk, benul̂øndri (vt) bundle together; bind around; collect into a bundle (irregular, class IV)

benupalkrë, benupalkrëḑi (vt) survey; review

benupris, benupristi (vt) bend around; wrap around; smother (irregular, class VI)

benuraši, benurašiḑi (vt) circumvent (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

benurolgo, benurolgoḑi (vi) revolve; circumambulate (irregular, class Ia)

benusi, benusiḑi (vt) circumcise

                benuset (n) circumcision

benwafu, benwavi (vi) circulate; go around; orbit (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

benwainamb, benwainambzi (vt) surround; envelop; encircle; besiege (irregular, class V)

benwamblez, benwambleži (vt) publicize; divulge; leak (information) (irregular, class VII)

benweim, benweimḑi (vt) trick

benwölk, benwölxi (vt) flank (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

beŋķø̈dz, beŋķø̈dzzi (vt) interrogate

beppäl, beppälḑi (vt) imitate; mimic

berras, berrasti (vt) begin, start (irregular, class VI)

                ekberras, ekberrasti (vt) initiate (irregular, class VI)

berraššant (n) the third month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [from berras čant, "autumn beginning"]

bëpš (n) wilderness; pristine land

-bi (deriv.) least (negative superlative)

biḑ (n) mistake; error

bïlǯeŋ, bïlǯeŋḑi (vt) describe

bjaš (n) fence

bjüḑj (n) llama (long-haired) [irreg. pl. bjüḑjï]

blaiŋy, blaiŋyḑi (vi) assume; suppose; presume

bleisaŋglu (n) history; chronicle; annals

bleisau, bleisauḑi (vt) tell; recount (irregular, class Ib)

blek, blekţi (vt) sew

                lüblek (n) sewing needle

blöroŋk, blöroŋkţi (vt/vi) mean; signify

blün- (deriv.) disease; disorder

blündrem (n) disease; malady; medical or psychological disorder; problem

blyč, blytči (vt/vi) trample; tread

blydǯë (adj.) quiet; silent

blÿn (adj.) sick; ill

                blÿnj (n) sickness; illness

bod (n) b, the 32nd letter of the alphabet

bolsi (adj.) strange

bolžo (adj.) foreign

                bolžokei (n) foreigner; outsider

bondo, bondoḑi (vi) float (irregular, class Ia)

bošku (n) surplus

boweizäč (n) pronoun

böpš (n) virgin

bördu (interj.) expression of encouragement or invitation to action

börḑ (n) moon (irreg. pl. börḑï)

bŕgë (n) ribbit; onomatopoeia for a frog croak

bubuz, bubuži (vi) coincide (irregular, class VII)

bučoiŋ, bučoindi (vt) construct; do thoroughly (irregular, class III)

budÿ, budÿḑi (vt) hold; grasp

bukrïfwo, bukrïfwoḑi (vt) enlist; press into service (irregular, class Ia)

buķø̈dz, buķø̈dzzi (vt) summon

buķräš, buķräšši (vi) contort

bulbo (n/vi) snow

bul̂ešø̈, bul̂ešø̈ḑi (vt) compress; press together; have sex with (male subjects only)

bul̂øŋk, bul̂øndri (vt/vi) pack up (irregular, class IV)

bunaroi, bunaroiḑi (vt) combine (irregular, class Ib)

bupaloi, bupaloiḑi (vt) persuade (irregular, class Ib)

buraši, burašiḑi (vi) convene; come together (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

burolgo, burolgoḑi (vi) retort (irregular, class Ia)

burt (n) iron

burtüš (n) steel

bur̂emb, bur̂embzi (vi) enter into a relationship or alliance (irregular, class V)

                bur̂embäg (n) relationship; alliance

                bur̂emčei (n) boyfriend; male ally

                bur̂emčeis (n) girlfriend; female ally

busi, busiḑi (vt) shred

busul, busuldi (vt) derive (from) (irregular; see the paradigm for sul)

                busulkä (n) derivative (as in calculus)

buš, bušši (vi) walk

bušuškei(s) (n) lover; sexual partner

butrei, butreiḑi (vt) deal with; join in battle (irregular, class II)

butÿz, butÿži (vt/vi) contend; dispute (irregular, class VII)

buvölwo, buvölwoḑi (vt) commend (irregular, class Ia)

buz, buži (vi) run (irregular, class VII)

buzgam (n) fugitive; one running from the law

bužbÿz, bužbÿži (vi) vow together, esp. in a wedding (irregular, class VII)

bült, bülţţi (vi) thaw

bwafu, bwavi (vi) fit together; (poetic) have sex (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

bwainamb, bwainambzi (vt) devote (irregular, class V)

bwamblez, bwambleži (vi) confer; discuss (irregular, class VII)

bweim, bweimḑi (vt) associate with; be in the company of; take to oneself, as a wife

bwïž, bwïžži (vt/vi) compose; write music or poetry

bwölk, bwölkti (vt) connect; attach (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

bwølt, bwølţi (vt) contain; confine (irregular, class VIII)

bwÿgzĩ (n) grocery; food item to be bought


čabbač (n) altar

čaim (n) speed

čaio (pron.) you (intimate singular)

čakri, čakriḑi (vt) hunt

                lüčakri (n) snare; hunting trap

čaķ, čakti (vi) die (irregular, class IX)

                čaķet (n) death

                čaķlau (adj.) deadly; fatal

čalaķ, čalaķţi (vi) decay; decompose

                čalaķvö (adj.) corruptible; perishable; subject to decay

                čalaķvet (n) corruptibility; perishability

                naučalaķvö (adj.) incorruptible; imperishable; non-decaying

                naučalaķvet (n) incorruptibility; imperishability

čant (n) autumn

čanu (n) gallows

čaŋŕ, čaŋŕḑi (vt) refuse

čar (adj.) fast; quick; swift

čark (n) fat; blubber

                etčark, etčarkţi (vt) fatten; make fat; feed well

čarxi (adj.) fat; overweight (neutral connotation)

času (n) guillotine

čaţ (n) corpse

čãu, čaunḑi (vt) count; enumerate

čauš, čaušši (vt) reform

čauţ (n) animal

čaŵe, čaŵeḑi (vi) laugh

čaz (n) beast

                pečazon (n) zoo

če (pron.) you (informal singular)

čei (pron.) you (familiar singular)

čeintrau, čeintrauḑi (vt) build

                čeintraugjø (n) architect

čeintrauč (n) architecture

čeintroŋk (n) foundation

čeix (n) tower

čeiz (adj.) female

                blünčeiz (n) menstrual period

čeţ, čeḑḑi (vi) sleep (irregular, classless)

                čeţj (n) sleep; slumber; unconsciousness

                čeţon (n) bedroom

čevëš (adj.) equal

čévoilk, čévoilkţi (vt) recompense; return in kind

čir (n) same side

čittŕ, čittŕḑi (vi) guess

čïn (pron.) you (honorific singular)

čo (adj.) male

čoč, čotči (vi) lie; speak falsely

                čoškei (n) liar

čogaš, čogašši (vt) mint

čohais, čohaissi (vt) deceive

                čohaiset (n) deception

čoi (pron.) you (formal singular)

čoinčalomgei (n) peacemaker; peaceable person

čoindar, čoindarḑi (vt) invent

čoindokradgei (n) potter [from čoindi edokrad, “to make from clay”]

čoiŋ, čoindi (vt) create; make; render (irregular, class III)

                čoiŋäg (n) creation; created thing

                čoiŋet (n) process of creating

čoiti (n) institute

čojei, čojeiḑi (vt) bear; give birth to (irregular, class II)

                čojet (n) birth; genesis

čojüķ, čojüķţi (vt) legislate; pass (a law)

čör (n) meat; flesh; human nature

                čörin (adj.) carnal

čörwäs (adj.) corrupt; morally degenerate

                čörwäset (n) corruption

čøḑ, čøḑḑi (vt) murder without direct action

čŕ, čŕḑi (vt) fuck up; bungle; interfere with; manhandle; sodomize [obscene]

čuš, čušši (vt/vi) conceive, as in procreation

čuwók, čuwókţi (vt) assassinate

čuz (adj.) slow

čül (n) č, the 16th letter of the alphabet

čy (adj.) neuter; neither

čyţ, čyţţi (vt) murder actively and intentionally


dagen (n) mouth

daiš (n) boy

daķ (adj.) brown

                daķog (adj.) light brown

                daķøš (adj.) dark brown

dampalkrë, dampalkrëḑi (vt) foresee

danafu, danavi (vt) go before; lead the way for (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

danamblez, danambleži (vt) display; prefer; consider more important (irregular, class VII)

dančëḑ, danči (vt) foreknow; know before being told; prognosticate; learn in advance (irregular; see the paradigm for šëḑ)

dančoiŋ, dančoindi (vt) put in charge (irregular, class III)

dandaut (vi) abdicate

dandraši, dandrašiḑi (vt) precede; come first (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

dandroiuv (vt) predestine; predetermine; fix (outcome)

dandrolgo, dandrolgoḑi (vt) prevent; avert; stave off (irregular, class Ia)

danïčyntez (adj.) sad-faced; acting sullen or mournful; feigning sadness [from danïd-šynt, “sad face”]

danïd (n) face; countenance

                danïst (prep.) in front of (with dative); before (with instrumental) [compound of danïd and st]

danölk, danölkti (vt) send ahead (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

daŋkrïfwo, daŋkrïfwoḑi (vt) prescribe (irregular, class Ia)

dapa (n) eye

dapau (n) ear

dapsa (n) toe (irreg. pl. dápsai)

dapüţ (n) nose

dar (interj.) oh; expression of discovery or epiphany

dara (n) arm (irreg. pl. dárai)

dardu (n) issue; matter; topic

dareg (n) attitude; mindset

darti (adj.) smart; intelligent

darúd, darúḑi (vt) think (irregular, classless)

                darúdäg (n) thought

darúdë (n) logic

                darúdein (adj.) logical; rational

darwa (n) finger (irreg. pl. dárwai)

                darwazë (n) little finger; unit of length equal to 1.6933 centimeters

dar̂ḯl (n) claw

daškalţ, daškalţţi (vt) betroth; promise to marry; get engaged to

davo (n) leg (irreg. pl. dávoi)

davö́r (adj.) brave

davŕ (n) thigh

dawos (n) louse (irreg. pl. daiwos)

dažžab (n) brother-in-law (spouse's brother)

dažžapšïv (n) brother of a child's spouse

däḑ (n) parent (gender-neutral)

däptar (n) glasses; spectacles

däsörţ (n) nail; hard surface on a finger or toe

däsp (adj.) grey

                däspog (adj.) light grey

                däspøš (adj.) dark grey

däţ, däţţi (vt) deliver; hand over

däzẽ (n) ditch

deiķ (n) twilight

deķë (n) island

derwün (n) thumb

deš (n) child (irreg. pl. dešã)

dešpei (n) desert

dezar (n) continent

dïšša (n) hill

dïvai (n) grass

dlaķ (n) sparrow

dläsp (n) pigeon

dlek (adj.) sour

dleţ (n) owl

dlëz (n) example

                ekdlëz, ekdlëzzi (vt) make an example out of

dlïǯ, dlïdǯi (vt) subtract

dlog (n) dove

dlund, dlunḑḑi (vt) make a legal or judicial decision; determine, find, rule; surmise

dlyv (n) stench

                dlyvin (adj.) foul-smelling

dogen (n) jaw; mandible

doglë (n) brick

doiḑ (n) bone

                pedoiḑ (n) skeleton

doin (n) d, the 38th letter of the alphabet

doinen (n) tooth (irreg. pl. dóinein)

doinŕ (n) skull

dokrad (n) clay

dokrïk, dokrïkţi (vt) prove

doķu, doķuḑi (vt) convict

dolai (n) smoke

ekdolai, ekdolaiḑi (vi) smoke; smolder

dolbo (n) shadow

                dolbon (n) shade; area in a shadow

dolÿ (adj.) dark; obscure

                dolÿšem (n) darkness; obscurity

                ekdolÿ, ekdolÿḑi (vt) darken; obfuscate

domb, dombzi (vt) open; unfold; enlighten (irregular, class V)

                dompat (adj.) open

dompod (n) sandal; open-toed footwear

dot, doţţi (vi) exist

dožu (adj.) obscene

drača (n) vulture

draig (n) eagle

draija (n) border; boundary; edge; hem

draiv (n) great-uncle

draŋ (n) falcon

drev (n) sibling of a grandparent (gender-neutral term)

dri (adj.) sweet

drospi, drospiḑi (vt) praise; congratulate

                drospet (n) praise; congratulations

drÿnǯa (n) nerve

dudz (adj.) steep

duza (n) dirt; dust

düdz (n) lump; mound

dÿmberras, dÿmberrasti (vt) resume; continue what had been stopped (irregular, class VI)

dÿmbuz, dÿmbuži (vi) reoccur; happen again (irregular, class VII)

dÿmmoi, dÿmmoiḑi (vt) redeem (irregular, class Ib)

                dÿmmoiäg (n) redemption

dÿmpraik, dÿmpraikţi (vi) echo; resound

dÿmpres, dÿmpressi (vt) reconcile

                dÿmpreset (n) reconciliation

dÿn (adv.) again

dÿnaundanh (n) revenge; vengeance

                used as a verb: dÿnaundanhëḑi avenge

                dÿnaundaŋkei (n) avenger

dÿnčoiŋ, dÿnčoindi (vt) regenerate; rebuild; reenact (irregular, class III)

dÿndar, dÿndarḑi (vt) remember

                egdÿndar, egdÿndarḑi (vt) remind; bring to remembrance

dÿndraši, dÿndrašiḑi (vi) return here; come back (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

dÿnnag, dÿnnei (vt) repeat (irregular; see the paradigm for nag)

dÿnneglë, dÿnneglëḑi (vi) return there; go back (irregular, class Ia)

dÿntsul, dÿntsuldi (vt) recover; recapture; take back (irregular; see the paradigm for sul)

dÿŋkrïfau, dÿŋkrifauḑi (vt) e-mail (lit. e-correspond)

dÿŋkrïfwo, dÿŋkrïfwoḑi (vi) correspond (irregular, class Ia)

dÿŋķag, dÿŋķagḑi (vt) measure again; measure back

dÿrrïŋ (n) revenue; income

ḑaf, ḑafţi (vt) pursue (more positive than chase)

ḑaim (n) hair, individual

ḑaršu (n) summer

ḑaš (adj.) hot

ḑaššabdaž (n) brother of a sibling's spouse

ḑax̌, ḑax̌ši (vt) bury

ḑaž (n) brother, elder (irreg. pl. ḑaiža)

                ḑažgjøt (n) brotherhood; fraternity

ḑädz (adj.) warm

ḑäķod, ḑäķoḑḑi (vt) condemn

                ḑäķodǯem (n) condemnation

ḑeč (n) courthouse

ḑedẽ (n) rock

ḑedŕ (n) lintel

ḑedz, ḑedzzi (vi) erode

ḑeix̌ (n) terror

ḑem (n) cup; unit of liquid measure equal to 64.8 milliliters

ḑenda, ḑendaḑi (vt) destroy

                ḑendet (n) destruction

ḑendar (n) thimble; unit of liquid measure equal to 5.4 milliliters

ḑerva (n) marble

ḑesk, ḑeskţi (vt) try; attempt

ḑeštun (n) justice; jurisprudence

ḑež (n) sibling

ḑig (adj.) cold

ḑiŋgu (n) winter

ḑiz (conj.) if

ḑizgø (n) butterfly

ḑiž (n) bark (of tree)

ḑïnd (n) mountain

ḑläg (n) net; mesh fabric

                ḑlägümf (n) fishing net; purse net

lẽ, ḑlenḑi (vt) lick

ḑlömb, ḑlömbzi (vt) greet (irregular, class V)

ḑlø̈s (adj.) difficult

                ekḑlø̈s, ekḑlø̈ssi (vt) make difficult

ḑo (n) ḑ, the 39th letter of the alphabet

ḑok (n) steam

ḑon (n) mug; tumbler; large drinking vessel; unit of liquid measure equal to 388.8 milliliters

ḑož, ḑožži (vt) flatter

ḑøx, ḑøxsi (vt) thank

ḑrei (adj.) opportune; convenient

                ḑreiet (n) opportunity; convenience

ḑrök, ḑrökti (vt) miss; lack (irregular, class IX)

ḑrŕŋ (n) worm

ḑrymj (n) puzzle (physical)

ḑŕmh, ḑŕmhëḑi (vt) obstruct; block; hamper

                ḑŕmhet (n) obstruction; obstacle; stumbling block

ḑulgi (conj.) otherwise; or else

ḑuŋk (n/adj.) other; alternative

ḑus, ḑusti (vt) drive (irregular, class VI)

ḑuz (conj.) whether

ḑuǯ (adj.) tall

ḑümb (adj.) aware

ḑüŋ (n) plate; dish

ḑüž (n) brother, younger (irreg. pl. ḑoiža)

ḑwãi, ḑwainḑi (vt) raze; destroy by fire

ḑwaž, ḑwažži (vt) flirt with; flatter in a servile manner; court

ḑwi (n) mucus; snot

ḑÿmp, ḑÿmpţi (vt) quote; refer to

                ḑÿmpäg (n) quotation; reference

ḑÿz (adj.) dirty


ebeg, ebegḑi (vt) plan

ebĩ́, ebínḑi (vi) cry; weep

                ebínäg (n) cry; weeping

ebwön (n) strategy

                ebwönin (adj.) strategic

                ekebwön, ekebwönḑi (vi) strategize

eča (n) mausoleum

edu (n) e, the 14th letter of the alphabet

efaug (n) house (irreg. pl. efaugï)

eflïblau (adj.) domestic; of the home; home-made

eflïm (n) home

efložbau (n) embassy

efju (n) bank

egdavör, egdavörḑi (vt) encourage

egdód, egdóḑḑi (vt) pick up; grab

eggird, eggirḑḑi (vt) accomplish [from older ek-gjird, “cause to finish”]

egjolḑ, egjolḑḑi (vt/vi) heal

                egjolḑëči (n) doctor

                egjolḑëki (n) medicine

                egjolḑon (n) hospital

                egjolḑrau (adj.) salubrious

                egjolḑwøč (adj.) medical

eglar (n) lunch

eglomgŕ, eglomgŕḑi (vt) repel; cause to move away from

ẽi (conj.) on condition that; provided that

eib, eibḑi (vt) resist; fight off

                eibj (n) resistance; self-defense

eiim (n) cow (irreg. pl. eiimï)

                pjeiim (n) cattle; livestock; herd

eikrö (n) skirt

eim, eimḑi (vt) lead

eimaud (n) patriarch

eimeiv (n) matriarch

eimgox (n) incumbent (lit. leads now)

eimjuš (n) treasurer

eimoz, eimozzi (vt) rule; reign

                eimozet (n) government

einif (n) woman

einivväleikeis (n) lesbian; woman who only has romantic/sexual desires about women

einǯë (adj./n) soft; the second month of the Anhrushite civil calendar

eiŋ (adj.) straight

                ekeiŋ, ekeiŋgḑi (vt) straighten

eis- (deriv.) feminine marker

eisëč (n) girl

eiš (pron.) she

eišaž (n) sister, elder (irreg. pl. eišaiža)

eiššïv (n) daughter

eišüž (n) sister, younger (irreg. pl. eišoiža)

eiv (n) mother

ek- (deriv.) causative prefix

ekauandräŋ (n) the ninth month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [from ekauan räng, “day lengthening”]

ekberret (n) initiation

                ekberretrau (adj.) initial

ekeiŋdoinkei (n) orthodontist (lit. “tooth-straightener”)

ektarudø̈lv, ektarudø̈lvḑi (vt) indoctrinate (lit. “make think like oneself”)

ekto (n) friend

                ektolau (adj.) friendly

emgam (n) loincloth; underwear

emí (interj.) alas, boo-hoo

emmäš (n) mansion

enčad, enčaḑḑi (vi) corrode

enču (adj.) smooth

endoi, endoiḑi (vt) bite (irregular, class Ib)

enteš (n) genital (irreg. pl. entéšï)

eŋ, eŋǯi (vt) eat (irregular, classless)

                eŋon (n) restaurant

                leŋ, leŋǯi (vi) eat out (of the home) (irregular; see the paradigm for )

                steŋ, steŋǯi (vi) eat in (at home) (irregular; see the paradigm for )

                naueŋ, naueŋǯi (vi) fast; refrain from eating (irregular; see the paradigm for )

                vaieŋ (adj.) gluttonous; overly fond of food

                vaieŋkei (n) glutton; binge-eater

éŋgain (n) lung

                blünéŋgain (n) pneumonia

                blünčéŋgain (n) pulmonary embolism

eŋïŋ (n) stomach

                blüneŋïŋ (n) indigestion; heartburn

eŋkroiš (n) breakfast; the morning meal

eppuz, eppuzzi (vt) show

eps (n) boss; chief; leader; master

eptal, eptalḑi (vt) reveal; uncover; make bare

                eptaläg (n) revelation; uncovering

erčeg (n) tongue

erdlë, erdlëḑi (vt/vi) end (irregular, class Ia)

                erdlau (adj.) final

                erdläg (n) ending; end; finish line

erk (n) draft

eršat (adj.) strong; forceful

                eršatet (n) strength; forcefulness

erüm, erümḑi (vi) pray

                erümäg (n) prayer

ervak, ervakţi (vt) suspect

                bahervak (adj.) suspicious

erwäs (adj.) evil

                ŵeherwäs (adj.) unexpectant of evil

erza (n) nephew

erzašab (n) nephew of a spouse

erž (n) force, in the physical sense

eštávör (adj.) mighty; strong and courageous

ešto (n) authority

used as a verb: eštoḑi have or use authority

-et (deriv.) general nominalizer

eţ, eţţi (vt) use

                baheţ (adj.) useful

                ŵeheţ (adj.) useless

exïmgŕ, exïmgŕḑi (vt) attract; cause to move towards


ëblë́ķ, ëblë́ķţi (vt) rub

-ëči (deriv.) person in a field of study

ëdïn (n) kin; relative

ëdloi (adj.) perfect

ëgai (n/prep.) north

                ëgain (adj.) northern

ëgör, ëgörḑi (vt) win

ëhëju, ëhëjuḑi (vt) extort

ëhuk, ëhukţi (vt/vi) vomit; throw up

ë(j)- (deriv.) verb nominalizer

ëlto, ëltoḑi (vi) differ

                ëltet (n) difference

                ëltoin (adj.) different

ëmëmë (n) gibberish; barbarism; blah, blah

ën (n) ë, the 13th letter of the alphabet

ënnu (adj.) less

ënurt (n) furnace

ënŵo (n) importance

                ënŵoin (adj.) important; of note

ëŋë́ķ, ëŋë́ķţi (vi) groan; moan

ëŋku, ëŋkuḑi (vt) oppose

                ëŋket (n) opposition

ëŋoi (n) ŋ, the 43rd letter of the alphabet

ëpuvŕ, ëpuvŕḑi (vt) inhibit; restrain; hinder

ëruju (n) sky

ërzül, ërzülḑi (vt) steal (irregular, classless)

ëšma (n) fame; renown

                ëšmain (adj.) famous

ëxolt (n) x, the 44th letter of the alphabet

ëx̌a (n) x̌, the 45th letter of the alphabet

ëzul, ëzulḑi (vt) cancel; erase


fa (pron.) they (neuter/inanimate)

fad (n) f, the 28th letter of the alphabet

fadan (n) chin

fai (num.) five

faiga (n) feather

fainjü, fainjüḑi (vt/n) blast; explode

faiǯë (n) skin; surface

                faiǯok (n) canteen; wineskin; watertight bag

fauki (n) custom; indirect tax on goods

faušuji (n) brothel

fauŵai (n) tax

                fauŵaiet (n) taxation

                fauŵaigjø (n) tax collector

                fauŵaion (n) tax office

faž (adj.) low; inferior in standing or station; subordinate; lesser

                ekfaž, ekfažži (vt) lower; lessen; demote; bring down; put in one’s place

faža (n) valley

fädŕ, fädŕḑi (vt) scratch

fäz (n) uterus; womb

fe (pron.) they (masculine)

fega (n) top; dorsal aspect

                fegan (prep.)  above, on top of (with dative); onto, to the top of (with accusative)

fegaiž, fegaižži (vt) stack

fegakerpalbem (n) paranoia

feganörwo, feganörwoḑi (vt/vi) triumph; overcome (irregular, class Ia)

fegapaloi, fegapaloiḑi (vt) manage; oversee (irregular, class Ib)

                fegapaloikei(s) (n) manager; overseer; governor

fegatÿz, fegatÿži (vt) conceal; spread over (irregular, class VII)

fegaulkoi (n) satellite [from fega-ölkkoiünd, “above sending machine”]

feglog (n) arch

fegloŋko (n) dome

fei (pron.) they (feminine)

feida (n) foot (irreg. pl. féidai)

feigoķ (n) fountain

feimburg (n) train

feiŋga (n) car; automobile

                feiŋgarüš (n) van; sport-utility vehicle

feiŋkoi (n) vehicle

feiŋŕ, feiŋŕḑi (vt/vi) travel

                feiŋŕäg (n) journey

fek (n) gecko

fekkam (n) canopy; awning

fergaǯ, fergadǯi (vt) control

ferķ (n) copper

feroiŋ (n) bronze

fidlar, fidlarḑi (vt) expect; anticipate; predict

                fidlaret (n) expectation; anticipation; prediction

figj (n) clitoris

fipŕ (n) gang; mob; cabal; conspiracy

fiz (n) snake

fïgjém, fïgjémḑi (vt) fold

fïn (n) pf, an obsolete letter of the alphabet

fïs, fïsti (vi) whistle (irregular, class VI)

fjeiloķ (n) centipede

fjer (n) pomegranate

fjøǯẽ (n) wound; injury

                ekfjøǯẽ, ekfjøǯenḑi (vt) wound; injure

fjuč (n) fang; prong, tine

flai (n) spider

flau (adj.) hungry

                flauet (n) hunger; famine

fobdeţ (n) body

fog (n) floor

fogbë (n) ceiling

foglë (n) story; level of a building

foķro, foķroḑi (vi) sink (irregular, class Ia)

(pron.) they (masculine & feminine)

förva (n) roof

føǯj (n) layer

fräŋ (n) mission; objective; task at hand

ekfräŋ, ekfräŋgḑi (vt) commission; send (on a mission)

                ekfräŋkai (n) commissioner; apostle

frätos (n) scorpion

frei, freiḑi (vt) answer; respond; reply

                freiäg (n) answer; response

freš (n) table

froi (adj.) sorry

                used as a verb: froiḑi regret

                froiäg (n) apology

                ekfroiäg, ekfroiägḑi (vi) apologize

frum (n) festival; holiday

fŕd (n) favor; (as a verb) prefer

                fŕdin (adj.) favorable

fubz (n) fog

fudru (n) komodo dragon; large, scaly reptile

fudz, fudzzi (vt) smell like

fum (conj.) when (relative)

funeim (n) tenure

funïm (n) time

furgã (n) circumstance; condition; state (of affairs)

füs, füsti (vt/vi) spit (out) (irregular, class VI)

fwaŋk (n) report

                ekfwaŋk, ekfwaŋkţi (vi) report

fwi (n) fig

fwoi (n) date (fruit)

fyždë (n) date palm

                fyždrüš (n) royal palm

fÿgzã, fÿgzanḑi (vt) hang; suspend

                fÿgzanon (n) closet

fÿs, fÿssi (n/vi) step


gadbaŋk, gadbandri (vt) preserve; conserve; hoard (irregular, class IV)

gadbauk (adj.) conservative

gafi (n) hall

gakai (n) street

gamut (n) gold

gandø̃, gandønḑi (vt/vi) increase

gano, ganoḑi (vt) multiply

                ganoki (n) factor; multiplier; scalar

                kjoganoki (n) factorial

                gannäg (n) product; result of multiplication

                ganet (n) multiplication

gant (n) short-sword

                gantrüš (n) long-sword

gardeŋ (n) mischief

                gardeglau (adj.) mischievous

garÿŋ (n) wing

gasno, gasnoḑi (vt/vi) speak (irregular, class Ia)

                neŋgasno, neŋgasnoḑi (vi) complain (irregular, class Ia)

                oiŋgasno, oiŋgasnoḑi (vt) compliment (irregular, class Ia)

                gasnäg (n) speech; address

                gasnörŋäl, gasnörŋälḑi (vi) prophesy

                gasnörŋälḑau (n) prophecy; the act of prophesying

                gasnörŋäläg (n) prophecy; a particular instance of prophesying

                gasnörŋälkei (n) prophet

                gasnörŋälin (adj.) prophetic

                gasnörŋällokrep (vi) prophesy falsely

                gasnörŋällokrepkei (n) false prophet

                gasnónen, gasnónenḑi (vt) defame; vilify; slander

                gasnónenet (n) defamation; vilification; slander; libel

                vaigasno (adj.) loquacious; garrulous

                vaigasnet (n) loquacity; garrulity

gau (n) g, the 34th letter of the alphabet

gaubur (n) railroad [from gaŵa-burt, “iron road”]

gauķ (n) charity; almsgiving; community service; cooperative living

                eggauķ, eggauķţi (vi) give alms; donate (to a charity); perform community service

                gauķon (n) housing cooperative; commune

gaŵa (n) road

gaxok (n) insect

gaž (n) bird (irreg. pl. same as singular)

gäd (n) metal

gädoḑ, gädoḑḑi (vt) treat

gädruţ (n) alloy

gäglo (n) bridge

gälbod (n) shoe; close-toed footwear

gälḑ (n) grace; permission; benevolence, esp. divine

gäleix (n) generation; time period; epoch

gälķ, gälķţi (vt) annoy

gälzai, gälzaiḑi (vt) close

gäsko (n) right side

                vaigäsko (adj.) right-handed

gäskret (n) grammar; civilized speech

gäskŕf, gäskŕfţi (vt) print; write clearly and uniformly

gätrol, gätrolḑi (vt) exile

geisïn, geisïnḑi (vt) revolt

gelbaš (adj.) yellow-orange

                gelbašog (adj.) light yellow-orange

                gelbašøš (adj.) dark yellow-orange

gelštog (adj.) yellow-green

                gelštogog (adj.) light yellow-green

                gelštogøš (adj.) dark yellow-green

gely (adj.) yellow

                gelyspo (adj.) light yellow

                gelyšoi (adj.) dark yellow

getka, getkaḑi (vt) believe

                getket (n) belief

                naugetka, naugetkaḑi (vt) disbelieve

                naugetket (n) disbelief

                naugetkakei (n) unbeliever

gi (n) wadi; wash; arroyo

gidár, gidárḑi (vt) consider; account for; reckon

girk, girkţi (vt) please; cause pleasure

girkin (adj.) pleasant

                girket (n) pleasure; delight; good feelings

gïldai (n) glass

gïlgo (adj.) blue

                gïlgospo (adj.) light blue

                gïlgošoi (adj.) dark blue

gïš, gïšši (vt) entertain

gïšon (n) den; family room

gïŵä́k, gïŵä́kţi (vt) respect

gjäm (adj.) confident

gjaumbë, gjaumbëḑi (vt) minister to; perform spiritual services for

                gjaumbëkei(s) (n) minister; clergyman

                gjaumbëkeigjøt (n) ministry

gjesni (n) snack

gjird, gjirḑḑi (vt/vi) finish; conclude

                gjirdäg (n) conclusion

gjõ (n) well; watering hole (irreg. pl. gjonï)

-gjø (deriv.) holder of an occupation

-gjøt (deriv.) occupation

gjøldon (n) pharmacy

gjølt (adj.) healthy; in good health

gleb (adj.) correct

                eggleb, egglebḑi (vt) correct

                egglebäg (n) correction; something that has been corrected

                egglebet (n) correction; process of correcting

glei (adj.) bitter in taste

glëbo (pron.) whatever

glëgai (pron.) whoever

glëhu (pron.) however much

glëjau (pron.) for whatever reason

glëmoin (pron.) whatever kind

glën (pron.) whichever

glëna (pron.) however; in whatever manner

glëvu (pron.) whenever

glëža (pron.) wherever

glogla (n) belt

glok, glokti (vt) drink (irregular, class IX)

glöx̌a (n) pants; trousers

glø (n) sign; news

glŕamh, glŕamhëḑi (vi) stand

                egglŕamh, egglŕamhëḑi (vt) make stand; stand or set (something) up

glŕastan, glŕastanḑi (vt) confront (lit. “stand before”)

glŕtsĩ (n) weight; unit of weight equal to 318.92 grams

godïm (n) habit

gof (n) subject

                gofint (n) nominative case

goi, goiḑi (vt) lend

goisõ, goisonḑi (vi) behave

gomeč (n) chair; seat

gomeiš (n) throne; seat of authority

gomo, gomoḑi (vi) sit (irregular, class Ia)

                gomon (n) nest; perch; sitting room

gondo, gondoḑi (vt) meet; encounter (irregular, class Ia)

gosko (adv.) now

gosti (adv.) very close to now; already

gøst (n) cross; execution stake

                gøsteš (adj.) cruciform

                eggøst, eggøsţţi (vt) crucify

                eggøstet (n) crucifixion

gŕč (n) slave

                ekkŕč, ekkŕtči (vt) enslave

                gŕčet (n) slavery

gŕķ, gŕķţi (vi) migrate

guţ (adj.) thick

güddai (n) buttock

gwäx (n) oak

gwelḑ, gwelḑḑi (vi) revel; party indiscreetly

                gwelḑet (n) revelry; raucous partying

gwëx (n) soap

gwïx, gwïxsi (vt) claim

                gwïxäg (n) claim; conjecture

gwø̈ḑ (n) diligence; industriousness; studiousness; promptness

gwø̈ţat (adj.) diligent; industrious; studious; prompt

gwŕ (n) chord of an angle

                gwŕüŋk (n) sine

gwŕf, gwŕfţi (vt) win (a battle or fight); be victorious

                gwŕfet (n) victory

                gwŕfin (adj.) victorious

gwǘŋglai (n) flute

                gwǘŋglaigjø (n) flute-player

gwy, gwyḑi (vi) blow; move a wind

gwÿš (n) otter, primarily the northern alpine otter


(n) ax (irreg. pl. hãi)

                eķã, eķanḑi (vt) chop; cut with an ax; swing (an object or one’s arm) in a manner suggestive of chopping

hadav (n) calf; back of lower leg (irreg. pl. hádaiv)

haddlüš (n) rope; cable; fiber

hagz (n) shame

                hagzin (adj.) ashamed

                eķagz, eķagzzi (vt) put to shame; make (someone) ashamed

                bahagz (adj.) shameful

haig (n) berry

hakrẽ, hakrenḑi (vt) embarrass

hal (n) h, the 27th letter of the alphabet

haltok, haltokţi (vi) melt

hambuz, hambuži (vi) jut out; stick out (irregular, class VII)

hampalkrë, hampalkrëḑi (vt/vi) scout

hanainamb, hanainambzi (vt/vi) project; protrude; thrust forward (irregular, class V)

haneim, haneimḑi (vt) promote; prolong

hanl̂øŋk, hanl̂øndri (vt) tether (irregular, class IV)

hanölk, hanölkti (vt) send forward; send off (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

hanŕ (adv.) forward

hantrei, hantreiḑi (vi) advance; make progress (irregular, class II)

haŋkrïfwo, haŋkrïfwoḑi (vt) publish; advertise (irregular, class Ia)

haŋķø̈dz, haŋķø̈dzzi (vt) put off; defer; procrastinate

haŋķrač, haŋķratči (vt) relay; pass along

harbõ, harbonḑi (vi) pretend; feign

harvän, harvänḑi (vt) discuss [from hánŕ-vanŕ, “forward-backward”]

hauwŕţ (n) obelisk

hẽ (adv.) as far as I know; to my knowledge; in my experience

hei (n) apple

heiglo (n) cider

heiwümbë (n) dactyl

helbjø, helbjøḑi (vi) strive; compete pointlessly

                helbjøjäg (n) strife

heŋwad, heŋwaḑḑi (vi) expand; increase in size

                transitive form eķeŋwad, eķeŋwaḑḑi

hëlvur, hëlvurḑi (vt) confuse

hërŕmbé (n) anapaest

hëwumbë (n) amphibrach

-hi (deriv.) most (positive superlative)

hidz (n) vegetable

hig (vt) demand

hïbaux̌ (adj.) deaf; hard of hearing

hïbbal (adj.) blind

                eķïbbal, eķïbbalḑi (vt) cause (someone) to go blind

hïkas (adj.) mute; unable to speak

hïktÿ (adj.) graceful; supple; limber; nimble; agile

                hïktÿšem (n) grace; suppleness; agility

hočei (vi) drift

hoi1 (n) gh, an obsolete letter of the alphabet

hoi2 (n) nut

homo, homoḑi (vi) flee; retreat; evade (irregular, class Ia)

                homet (n) flight; retreat; evasion

hondag (n) compass

honoi, honoiḑi (vt) direct

hos (conj.) such that; with the result that

hör̂õ (n) lettuce

hudan (n) cheek; side of face

hugz (n) melon

huwop, huwopţi (vt) attack


ĩ, inḑi (n/vt) risk

ibeis, ibeissi (vt) dance

ibem (n) goat (irreg. pl. íbeim)

iddø̈ (n) pile; heap

                ekiddø̈, ekiddø̈ḑi (vt) pile up; heap up

ifen, ifenḑi (n/vi) reason

                ifenet (n) reasoning

                ifenem (n) rationality

                ifenin (adj.) rational

                nauifenin (adj.) irrational

igas, igassi (vt) preach; give a persuasive oration

ijaio, ijaioḑi (vt) trust; put faith in; rely on; be assured of

ijaķ (n) sheep; pygmy llama (irreg. pl. íjaiķ)

                pjijaķ (n) flock (irreg. pl. pjíjaiķ)

ijat (n) capital; center of a government

iko, ikoḑi (vt) smuggle

ikünd (n) lord

iķ, ikti (vi) tire; feel fatigue; weary oneself (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

il (n) i, the second letter of the alphabet

ilk, ilkti (vt) yoke; couple; join; hook up (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

                lüwilk (n) yoke; bond; (fig.) obligation

                pjilk (n) federation; association

imboz (n) bull

-in (deriv.) adjectivizer

indro, indroḑi (vt) arrange; ordain; set in order

                indräg (n) arrangement; ordinance

                indroistan (n) array; table; formation

                used as a verb: indroistanḑi array; form a logical arrangement

iŋgäḑ, iŋgäḑḑi (vi) contract; decrease in size

                transitive form ekiŋgäḑ, ekiŋgäḑḑi

iŋgjau (adj.) fine in consistency or texture

iŋk (n) side

iŋkre (n) rectangle

iŋŋë (conj.) and not; and is not; and does not; neither

ipjÿv, ipjÿvḑi (vt) flaunt; show off; proudly display

ippaķ, ippaķţi (vt) guard

irrais, irraissi (vt/vi) benefit

is (conj.) and

itrač, itratči (vi) worry

ittø̈ (num.) great gross; 1728

izu, izuḑi (vt) juggle; play a trick on


ïbi, ïbiḑi (vt) demonstrate

ïdleč (n) pig

ïgbai (prep.) despite; though

ïķly (adj.) empty

                ekïķly, ekïķlyḑi (vt) empty (something); (reflexive) relieve oneself

                ekïķlyjon (n) lavatory; restroom

                stowekïķlykä (n) (euph.) toilet; diaper

ïķüm (n) magician; sorceror; witch or warlock; illusionist

                ïķümj (n) magic; sorcery; witchcraft; illusion

                ïķümblaia (n) astrologer; diviner; auger (irreg. pl. ïķümblaiai)

                ïķumblaiet (n) astrology; divination; augury

ïldu (n) poll

ïlf, ïlfţi (vt) protect

ïlķ, ïlķţi (vt) defend, combat

                ïlķķi (n) shield

ïlli (adj.) thirsty

                ïllet (n) thirst; drought

ïlţ, ïlţţi (vt) defend, legal

ïlväţ (n) rear guard

ïml̂aiŋ (n) miracle

ïmr̂oi (adv.) only; exclusively

ïnl̂eim, ïnl̂eimḑi (vt) exhort; admonish

ïŋ (adj.) flat

ïŋkrat (n) plane; two-dimensional bounded region

ïppu (n) axis (geometric or rotational); diameter

                ïppuŋk (n) radius; half of an axis

                ïstïppuŋk (n) radian; angle measuring 1/2π of a circle, or appx. 45.83662 Anhrushite degrees

ïrz (n) child of a sibling (gender-neutral)

ïstë (n) line

ïtka (n) ï, the first letter of the alphabet

ïž, ïžži (vt) place; put

ïžbev, ïžbevḑi (vt/vi) submit; place oneself under another’s authority

ïžov, ïžovḑi (vt) subdue; demote


ja (conj.) why (relative)

jadar (n) religion

jagu, jaguḑi (vt) obey

                jaget (n) obedience

                jagyn (adj.) obedient

                naujagu, naujaguḑi (vt) disobey

                naujaget (n) disobedience

                naujagyn (adj.) disobedient

jahav (interj.) goodbye

jai (adj.) intense; acute

jaiu (n) faith; knowing the unknowable; trust; reliance; assurance

jajauz (n) soul

jakai (n) priest

                eimjakai (n) chief priest; high priest

jaŋŋë (num.) gross; 144

jaš, jašši (vi) inveigh; prate; vituperate

                jaškei (n) one who prates or inveighs, often with profanities and at length

                jašet (n) invective; prattle; abusive or offensive diatribe

jau (n) god

                jauon (n) temple

                jauzë (n) idol [lit. “little god”]

                jaumem (n) theism

                naujaumem (n) atheism

                naujaukent (n) atheist

jaurvøku (n) right; divine entitlement

jaxë (n) lamb; young pygmy llama

jerpam (n) knuckle

jiŵai (n) night

jízoi, jízoiḑi (vt) aim

jïflë, jïflëḑi (vt) pass; overtake; go beyond; transition from (one state to another)

                jïflet (n) passage; (euph.) death; transition

jo (aux.) emphatic auxiliary

jočo (vt) ride (irregular, class Ia)

jol (n) j, the 37th letter of the alphabet

jomo (n) barge

jon (n) room (irreg. pl. join)

jónai (n) mist

joŋglax̌ (adj.) angry in a violent way; raging

                joŋglaxšem, joŋglaxšemḑi (n/vi) rage; violent anger

jop (adj.) normal

jöndo, jöndoḑi (vi) bounce (irregular, class Ia)

jörpë (n) navel

jörwa (prep.) because of; due to

jøn, jønḑi (vi) dissent

jø̈lčo (adj.) foolish with money, whether spending when one should be saving or vice versa

                jø̈lčošem (n) financial foolishness

                jø̈lčokei (n) fool with money; spendthrift

jŕǯ, jŕdǯi (vt) repress

jubud, jubuḑḑi (vt) release; let go of

juč, jutči (vt) study

jufain, jufainḑi (vt) restrict

jufun (pron.) when?

juglaķ, juglaķţi (vi) rebel

juhol (pron.) what?

juja (pron.) why?

jujus (pron.) how much?

jukai (pron.) who?

juķam (n) law

                juķammem (n) legalism

                ŵejuķam (adj.) lawless

                ŵejuķampšem (n) lawlessness

juķlïmb (n) creed; code of conduct; words to live by

jul (num.) nine

julo (pron.) which?

julšap (n) economy

jumad, jumaḑḑi (vt) accrue

jumoin (pron.) what kind?

juna (pron.) how?

jurp (n) week

jusseiŋ (n) solstice

juš (n) money

jušperķ (n) penny; copper coin of little value

juštom (n) account

juwózdin (n) politics

juŵo (n) policy

juxi (adj.) best

juxu (adj.) better

juzat (pron.) where?

juznã, juznanḑi (vt) trade

juž (n) wages; salary

juǯ, judǯi (vt/vi) stop

                juǯon (n) station (as of a railroad)

                juǯonüs (n) terminal (either rail or air)

                ŵønjuǯ, ŵønjudǯi (vi) stammer; stutter; repeat oneself unnecessarily and uselessly

jüboi (n) trial

jügloiŋ, jügloiŋḑi (vt) administer

jüktod (n) standard

jüleiš (n) intern

jünd, jünḑḑi (vt/vi) work

                jündënen (n) toil; useless labor

                ekjünd, ekjunḑḑi (vt) employ; put to work

                ekjündëkai(s) (n) employee

                ekjündëkei(s) (n) employer

                bujünd, bujünḑḑi (vi) collaborate; work together

                bujündëkei(s) (n) collaborator; coworker

                jündet (n) work; labor; effort

jüŋgam (n) business; commercial or mercantile activity; line of work; career

                jüŋgamon (n) office (location, usually larger than a room or cubicle)

jüs (conj.) how much (relative)

jüšu (adj.) clear; easily understood

                ekjüšu, ekjüšuḑi (vt) explain

                ekjüšäg (n) explanation; account (as in judgment)

jüţi (adj.) worthy


kaif (n) man

kaikol (n) city

kaipäl, kaipälḑi (vt) witness

                kaipälkei (n) witness

                kaipälet (n) testimony

kaipällokrep (n) perjurer; false witness

                kaipällokrepet (n) perjury; false testimony

                nag okaipällokrep, nei okaipällokrep (vi) perjure oneself; testify falsely

kaivväleikei (n) homosexual man, i.e. one with no romantic or sexual desire for females whatsoever

kaixë (n) community

kaķ (adj.) bitter in emotion; acrid

kal (adj.) rare

kalas (n) dictator; tyrant

kalb (n) lamp; lantern; flashlight; muse; source of inspiration

                kalbon (n) lampstand; lamppost; lighthouse

kalkë, kalkëḑi (vi) be motionless; hover; stay still; be inert

                kalkëfaiǯëki (n) hovercraft

kalŕ (adj.) happy

                kalŕšem (n) happiness

                ekkalŕ, ekkalŕḑi (vt) delight

kalţ, kalţţi (vt) celebrate

                kalţet (n) celebration

                kalţkei(s) (n) celebrant; guest at a celebration

kam (conj.) but; however; yet

kammau (n) fur

kanr̂o, kanr̂oḑi (vi) rise (irregular, class Ia)

                transitive form ekkanr̂o, ekkanr̂oḑi: raise; get up (irregular, class Ia)

karím (n) bowl; large round container; unit of dry measure equal to 1.8208 liters

                karímüs (n) toilet

karti (n) thread

kartoš, kartošši (vi) crash; collide

kartyž (n) string, as of a musical instrument

karwoč, karwotči (vt) comfort

kau (conj.) who (relative)

kauž, kaužži (vt) own

                kaužgjø (n) owner; stakeholder

                kaužgjøt (n) ownership; equity; stake

kaŵo, kaŵoḑi (vi) sublime; change state from solid to gas

kaǯ, kaži (vt) have; possess (irregular, classless)

                kaǯint (n) genitive case

käkti (n) pasta, generically; also noodles

kämárk (n) shirt

kämïl, kämïlḑi (vt) clothe; dress

                kämïläg (n) clothing

käzač (n) thing

käžünd (n) tool; utensil

                käžündint (n) instrumental case

ke (pron.) he

kef (n) person

                pekef (n) crowd; multitude; host

keikkrïs (n) cream

kelt (adj.) solid

kend (n) group

-(k)ent (deriv.) inhabitant or follower

kerkjep, kerkjepţi (vt/vi) search; seek

                kerkjepvö (adj.) searchable

                naukerkjepvö (adj.) unsearchable

kerķ, kerķţi (vt) observe; look at details of

kerp (n) vigil; continuous watching

                kerpin (adj.) vigilant

kerpal, kerpalḑi (vt) watch; monitor

                fegakerpalbem (n) paranoia

ketso (adj.) righteous

                ketsošem (n) righteousness

këḑ (adj.) thin

këgahet (n) width

kiča, kičaḑi (vt) confirm; affirm

kirb (adj.) bright; full of light

kirt, kirţţi (vt) restore

kisky (n) coyote

kix (n) wolf

kïlţ (n) dog

kïŋk (n) jackal

kjad (n) tradition

                kjadlau (adj.) habitual; conventional

kjaind (adj) sure; certain

kjelţ, kjelţţi (vt) bathe

                kjelţet (n) bath; unit of liquid measure equal to 6.2208 liters

                kjelţon (n) bathhouse; bathroom

kjeŋ (n) meal

kjerv (n) glory

                ekkjerv, ekkjervḑi (vt) glorify

                bakjerv (adj.) glorious

kjo (prep.) down

kjolïŋ, kjolïndi (vt) turn off (irregular, class III)

kjol̂ešø̈, kjol̂ešø̈ḑi (vt) oppress; commit injustice upon

kjor̂emb, kjor̂embzi (vt) strip away; pull down; tear down (irregular, class V)

kjoškoţ, kjoškoţţi (vt/vi) break down; crush; decompose

kjowölk, kjowölkti (vi) descend by birth (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

kjowølt, kjowølţi (vt) suppress (irregular, class VIII)

kjöro (n) abdomen (irreg. pl. kjö́roi)

kjörolgo, kjörolgoḑi (vi) roll down (irregular, class Ia)

kjø̈lšã (n) health

kjÿdz, kjÿdzzi (vt) limit; impede; restrict

                naukjÿdzin (adj.) infinite; unlimited; unrestricted

                naukjÿdzet (n) infinity

koi, koiḑi (vt) sell (irregular, class Ib)

koindarauk (n) computer (from koiünd-darúde aukaišun “electronic logic machine”)

koinh (adj.) ambivalent

Koiper (title) Mister; Sir (on its own)

koitreŋ (n) scales

koiünd (n) machine

kolgë (adj.) local

kolï (n) major

kolomh (n) family

                kolomhüs (n) tribe

                pekolomh (n) neighborhood

kombo, komboḑi (vi) descend (irregular, class Ia)

                kombet (n) descent

kon (n) k, the 17th letter of the alphabet

kondø̈, kondø̈ḑi (vi) lie down; recline (irregular, class Ia)

                ekkondø̈, ekkondø̈ḑi (vt) lay down; put down (irregular, class Ia)

kontör, kontörḑi (vi) struggle; have difficulty

kotsuš, kotsušši (vt) value; (passive usage) be worth

kovo, kovoḑi (vi) wallow (irregular, class Ia)

kož (n) citizen

kökai (adj.) pink

                kökaiog (adj.) light pink

                kökaiøš (adj.) dark pink

költru (n) maxim; precept; principle; rule of thumb

köl̂ešø̈, köl̂ešø̈ḑi (vt) overthrow; overwhelm

köl̂øŋk, köl̂øndri (vt) obligate (irregular, class IV)

                köl̂øŋkj (n) obligation; liability

kös (n) other side; opposition

kösafu, kösavi (vt) go to meet (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

kösainamb, kösainambzi (vt) cast; put forth (irregular, class V)

kösamblez, kösambleži (vt) present; bestow (irregular, class VII)

köseim, köseimḑi (vt/vi) wrinkle

kösin (adj.) opposite; negative (in the mathematical sense)

köskrač, köskratči (vi) bring bad news

kösölk, kösölkti (vt) omit (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

kössi, kössiḑi (vt) slay [more poetic form of kill]

köstÿz, köstÿži (vt) allege in excuse (irregular, class VII)

köškem (n) gum; soft tissue around the teeth

köššoiŋ, köššoindi (vt/vi) check; verify (irregular, class III)

köţ (n) object (grammatical)

                köţint (n) accusative case

közbuz, közbuži (vi) come to mind (irregular, class VII)

kral (adj.) tough; durable; firm but flexible

kraššteitsë (n) cedar-jacaranda hybrid tree

kraut (n) area (two-dimensional space)

krebläd, krebläḑḑi (vt) discern; make a fine distinction

kref, krefţi (vt/vi) rush

krei, kreiḑi (vt) find (irregular, class II)

krep (adj.) true

                krepki (n) truth

kristu, kristuḑi (vi) tremble

kriwø̈ž, kriwø̈žži (vi) quake; move violently

krïdeŋ, krïdeŋǯi (vt) read (irregular; see the paradigm for ) [from krïdit eŋǯi, “eat the book”]

krïdit (n) book

krïdon (n) library

krïf (n) mark; letter

                pekrïf (n) alphabet or other script

                krïfäg (n) letter; epistle

                ekkrïf, ekkrifţi (vt) mark; note; take notes about; take heed

krïfreimu (n) calligraphy

krïfwai (n) desk

krïfwo, krïfwoḑi (vt) write (irregular, class Ia)

                krïfwonen (n) graffiti

                lükrïfwo (n) pen; any writing instrument

krïlḑ (n) hyena

krïlt (n) oil (used mostly of olive oil)

krïm, krïmḑi (vt) enter

krïmbald (n) literature

kroiš (n) morning

krok (n) sleeve

kron (adj.) ready

krÿz (n) poisonous snake (irreg. pl. kryz)

(n) fact

                kŕau (adj.) definitive

kŕdzõ (adj.) heavy

                kŕdzonüs (n) unit of weight equal to 4959.8 kilograms

kŕkis, kŕkissi (vt/vi) shake

kŕkïkrú (n/interj.) rooster crow (onomatopoeia)

kuwaidrã, kuwaidranḑi (vt/vi) understand; comprehend

                etčuwaidrã, etčuwaidranḑi (vt) realize; come to understand

küttŕ, küttŕḑi (vt) balance (something)

                kütträg (n) balance; equilibrium; homeostasis

                kütträŋ (n) equinox


ķa (n) ķ, the 18th letter of the alphabet

ķafu (interj.) farewell

ķag, ķagḑi (vt) measure

                ķaggä (n) measured amount; ration

                ķagäg (n) measurement; datum

ķai (pron.) you (familiar plural)

ķaiau (n) the sixth month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [lit. “god month”]

ķaio (pron.) you (intimate plural)

ķalwaķ (n) tunnel

ķar (n) month

ķaranr̂üš (n) the seventh month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [from ķar Anr̂uš, "Anhrush month"]

ķarbjëg (n) the tenth month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [from ķar arbjëgḑau, "competing month”]

ķaskëŋ (n) locust

ķaul (adj.) shallow

ķägbuz, ķägbuži (vi) run away (irregular, class VII)

ķägneglë, ķägneglëḑi (vt) forsake; abandon; leave alone (irregular, class Ia)

ķäk (adj.) far; distant; distal

                ķäķiki (n) greatest extent; uttermost part; maximum value; end (of the earth)

ķäkainamb, ķäkainambzi (vt) discard; cast off (irregular, class V)

ķäkeim, ķäkeimḑi (vt) abduct

ķäkeķroŋga, ķäkeķroŋgaḑi (vt) broadcast audio only, especially music

ķäkeppuz, ķäkeppuzzi (vt) broadcast video and audio

ķäkölk, ķäkölkti (vt) renounce; discontinue (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

ķäkølt, ķäkølţi (vt/vi) forbear; hold oneself back from (irregular, class VIII)

                ķäkøltet (n) forbearance

ķäkpraiķwei, ķäkpraiķweiḑi (vt) broadcast audio only, especially speech (irregular, class II)

ķäktÿz, ķäktÿži (vt) perplex (irregular class VII)

ķäķremb, ķäķrembzi (vt) take away; carry off (irregular, class V)

ķät, ķäţţi (vt) furnish

                ķätki (n) furniture

ķätčë (n) knot; (colloquially) contract

                eķķätčë, eķķätčëḑi (vt) tie (someone or something) up

ķäx̌et (n) distance

ķe (pron.) you (honorific plural)

ķei (pron.) you (humble plural)

ķettau (n) virtue

                baķettau (adj.) virtuous

ķimj, ķimjiḑi (vt) equip; arm; endow

                ķimjäg (n) equipment; armament; endowment

ķjai, ķjaiḑi (vt) entrust; credit

ķjam (n) orange (fruit)

ķjaus, ķjausti (vt) plunder; prey on; take by force (irregular, class VI)

                ķjauš (n) plunder; spoil; booty; prey

                ķjauskei(s) (n) predator; plunderer; burglar

                ķjauspez (adj.) predatory; ravenous; rapacious [irregular participle of ķjaus]

ķjylt, ķjylţţi (vt) hate actively with frequent thoughts, often including plans for action

ķobo, ķoboḑi (vi) fall (irregular, class Ia)

                transitive form eķķobo, eķķoboḑi: drop

ķoboḑaš (n) the first month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [from ķobo ḑaš, "heat falling"]

ķogø, ķogøḑi (vt) scatter

ķoi (pron.) you (inferior plural)

ķol (pron.) what (relative)

ķolbo, ķolboḑi (vi) roll (irregular, class Ia)

ķolö́r (n) commodity

ķö- (deriv.) -phobic

ķölp, ķölpţi (vt) hate passively with few thoughts

                ķölpäg (n) contempt; prejudice

ķøš (adj.) stubborn

ķø̈dz, ķø̈dzzi (vt) ask

                ķø̈dzäg (n) request

ķø̈r (adj.) wild

ķø̈trë, ķø̈trëḑi (vi) stumble

ķrač, ķratči (vt) declare; proclaim

                ķračäg (n) declaration; proclamation

ķräš, ķräšši (vi) twist

                transitive form eķķräš, eķķräšši

ķŕk, ķŕkţi (vt/vi) move

                nauķŕk, nauķŕkţi (vi) be immobile; be paralyzed; be stuck

                nauķŕket (n) paralysis; lack of mobility

ķŕkkeffi (n) rickshaw; taxi

ķub (n) feces; excrement

ķuŋ, ķuŋḑi (vi) erupt

ķuš (n) instinct

ķüd (n) anus

ķwai (n) lemon

ķweg (n) garbage; trash

ķweroiţ (n) language

ķwökj, ķwökjiḑi (vt) despise

ķyz (n) excuse


l (prep.) from, out of (with dative); off of (with accusative); beyond, exceeding, far from (with instrumental)

la; la- (num.) twelve; -teen

lablïm (adj.) kind

laia (n) star (irreg. pl. láiai)

laiķŕk (n) comet

laiu, laiuḑi (vi) exhale; breathe out

                laiet (n) exhalation; diacritic indicating aspiration or frication

laķwïm (n) river

laķwŕ (n) canal

laren (n) noon; midday

lau, lauḑi (vt) inherit

                laukei(s) (n) heir

-le (pron.) your (singular)

-led (pron.) my

-lef (pron.) your (plural)

-leg (pron.) his

lehamblez, lehambleži (vt/vi) exaggerate (irregular, class VII)

-lei (pron.) her (possessive)

leiķ (n/prep.) west

-leķ (pron.) their (no specific gender makeup)

lel̂už, lel̂užži (vt/vi) overflow; overrun; exceed

-lem (pron.) its

lemeju, lemejuḑi (vt) transform; modify

                lemejet (n) transformation; modification; (mathematical) function

lerza (n) great-nephew

lesïnčauru, lesïnčauruḑi (vi) prevail completely; be more than a conqueror

letrei, letreiḑi (vi) disembark (on a journey); set sail (irregular, class II)

-lež (pron.) our

lidz (n) pan; shallow cooking vessel

lin (adj.) outward

lirt (n) olive

lïmb, lïmbzi (vi) live; be alive (irregular, class V)

                transitive form eklïmb, eklïmbzi: animate (irregular, class V)

                dÿndlïmb, dÿndlïmbzi (vt) resurrect; revive (irregular, class V)

                dÿndlïmbet (n) resurrection; revival

lïmga (n) life (irreg. pl. lḯ́mgai)

                lïmgain (adj.) alive

lïnai (n) mercy; pardon

                balïnai (adj.) merciful

                ŵelïnai (adj.) merciless

                eglïnai, eglïnaiḑi (vt/vi) pardon; be merciful

lïrz (n) grandchild of a sibling (gender-neutral)

lo (conj.) which (relative)

logjo, logjoḑi (vt/vi) endure; persevere (irregular, class Ia)

                logjet (n) endurance; perseverance

loi (adj.) mid-sized; medium

loiŋkred (n) monument

loips, loipssi (vt) store

                loipson (n) storehouse; barn

loistuŋk, loistuŋkţi (vi) switch; change from one to another [from l oi st oḑuŋk, “from one into the other”]

lokŕkis, lokŕkissi (vt) shake off

loķräš, loķräšši (vi) turn aside

loŋgo, loŋgoḑi (vi) slide (irregular, class Ia)

loŋgör (n) secant

lorolgo, lorolgoḑi (vt/vi) turn away (from); refuse; withhold (irregular, class Ia)

lotrei, lotreiḑi (vi) digress (irregular, class II)

lotÿz, lotÿži (vt) slacken (irregular, class VII)

lowainamb, lowainambzi (vt) debase; sell too cheaply (irregular, class V)

lowïž, lowïžži (vt) isolate; segregate

ložbÿz, ložbÿži (vt) repudiate; deny on oath (irregular, class VII)

lör (n) l, the 29th letter of the alphabet

lörg (n) center; middle

                lörgin (adj.) central

-lø (pron.) one's (plural)

-lø̈ (pron.) one's (singular)

lø̈z, lø̈zzi (vi) flinch; wince; recoil from pain

-lŕ (pron.) their (masculine & feminine)

lŕnauḑ, lŕnauḑḑi (vt) enjoy; get pleasure from

lŕt, lŕţţi (vt) command

                lŕtäg (n) commandment

                lŕkei (n) commander; emperor

                lŕkeion (n) empire; domain

(adv.) so; to a degree, whether specified or not

lubuz, lubuži (vi) race; run competitively (irregular, class VII)

lučoiŋ, lučoindi (vi) defect; switch sides (irregular, class III)

lugŕķ, lugŕķţi (vi) emigrate (lit. migrate from)

lukrep, lukrepţi (vi) stray; deviate; backslide

luķø̈dz, luķø̈dzzi (vt) disparage; detract

                luķø̈dzin (adj.) derogatory

luķrač, luķratči (vt) denounce; discredit

luķräš, luķräšši (vt) misrepresent; twist the sense of

lul̂øŋk, lul̂øndri (vt) bandage; bind fast (irregular, class IV)

lumurt, lumurţi (vt) align; set in order; organize (irregular, class VIII)

lunaroi, lunaroiḑi (vt) levy; require by authority (irregular, class Ib)

luneglë, luneglëḑi (vi) fall short; miss a deadline (irregular, class Ia)

lupalkrë, lupalkrëḑi (vt) disdain; express contempt for

lupris, lupristi (vt) revise; modify (ideas); change course of (irregular, class VI)

lupš (adj.) fresh (as a fruit)

luraši, lurašiḑi (vi) come out; come forth; grow up; emerge; issue (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

luräs (adv.) thence

lurïŋ (adv.) hence

lurolgo, lurolgoḑi (vi) repent (irregular, class Ia)

                lurolget (n) repentance

lur̂emb, lur̂embzi (vt) extract; retrieve (irregular, class V)

lur̂ïŋ, lur̂ïndi (vi) depart (irregular, class III)

lusi, lusiḑi (vt) cut off; cut down

lusozo, losozoḑi (vt) pull out; pluck out; abolish (irregular, class Ia)

lutrei, lutreiḑi (vi) dismount (irregular, class II)

lutÿz, lutÿži (vt/vi) stretch out; enlarge; make smooth (irregular, class VII)

luţ, luţţi (vi) rain

luwafu, luwavi (vi) go away (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

luwainamb, luwainambzi (vt) dislodge; knock down (irregular, class V)

                luwainammen (adj.) dejected

                luwainammenčem (n) dejection

luwamb, luwambḑi (vt) export

luwamblez, luwambleži (vt) deposit; remit (irregular, class VII)

luweim, luweimḑi (vt) evict

luwïž, luwïžži (vt) depose

luwølt, luwølţi (vt) detain; hold prisoner; protract (irregular, class VIII)

luwŕïŋ (n) ferry; truck

lü- (deriv.) instrument

lünduv, lünduvḑi (vt) forgive

lÿpë (n) nostril

l̂ač (n) tomb; grave; sepulcher

l̂agj (n) playa; sink; dry lake bed

l̂aktuz (n) canyon

l̂ar (adj.) dull; blunt

l̂auju (adj.) official

l̂auz, l̂auzzi (vi) make a melody; play or sing a tune

                l̂auž (n) melody; tune; series of notes

l̂äglu, l̂ägluḑi (vt) hail

l̂äp, l̂äpţi (vt/vi) shit; defecate [obscene]

l̂äǯ (adj.) meek; submissive; having a high tolerance for pain or abuse

l̂eča, l̂ečaḑi (vi) disintegrate; dissolve

l̂ei, l̂eiḑi (vt) shave; shear (irregular, class II)

l̂en (n) material

l̂ešø̈, l̂ešø̈ḑi (vt) press; constrain; harass

l̂i (n) , the 30th letter of the alphabet

l̂iḑ, l̂iḑḑi (vt) satisfy; meet the requirements of; pass (inspection)

                naul̂iḑ, naul̂iḑḑi (vt) not satisfy; fall short of; fail (inspection); be inadequate

l̂iment (n) art

l̂ïml̂ač (n) breast; mammary

l̂ïmpsör, l̂ïmpsörḑi (vt) experience

                l̂ïmpsörẽi (adj./n) expert; knowing from experience

l̂ïneŋ (n) organ (of body)

l̂ïŋk (n) bag; sack; pouch

                l̂ïŋkjuš (n) purse; wallet; money bag

l̂odu (n) silver

l̂ofa (n) neck

l̂okrel, l̂okrelḑi (vi) condense

l̂okrep (adj.) false

l̂olbo (n) sleet

l̂ört (n) hole; void; gap

l̂øŋk, l̂øndri (vt) bind; fasten together (irregular, class IV)

l̂øţ, l̂øţţi (vt) sweep; dust off; sand (sth.)

                lül̂øţ (n) broom; duster; sandpaper

l̂ø̈v (adj.) specific; certain; particular

l̂udza, l̂udzaḑi (vt) annex

l̂uzden, l̂uzdenḑi (vi) leak; spill; soil oneself

                eķluzden, eķluzdenḑi (vt) spill (something)

l̂už, l̂užži (vi) flow

l̂užžeŋ (n) hemorrhage; constant flow of blood

l̂ütraid (n) loom

l̂yzgj  (n) clan; extended family

                ikündlyzgj (n) clan patriarch

                kaiflyzgj (n) clansman

                einiflyzgj (n) clanswoman

l̂ÿb, l̂ÿbḑi (vt) ensure; see to it; guarantee


ma (adj.) many

mafu (adv.) many times

mai (interj.) wow

maijüs (pron.) many (amount)

                maijüsti (adv.) much

maka (pron.) many people

makjuǯ, makjudǯi (n/vi) pause; semicolon

makti (n) middle, physical

máķķei (n) neighbor

malfu (n) middle, temporal

malik (n) culture

malo (pron.) many things

manai (adv.) in many ways

maraš (n) beauty

                marašin (adj.) beautiful

marzë (n) prettiness

                márzein (adj) pretty

mašu (adj.) orange

                mašuspo (adj.) light orange

                mašušoi (adj.) dark orange

mämpsals (adj.) decadent; extravagant; gaudy; proud of and flaunting riches

mäšïl (adj.) rich

                mäšïlki (n) riches

mebz (n) point (rhetorical)

                ŵemebz (adj.) pointless; futile

                ŵemebžem (n) pointlessness; futility; nonsense

meju, mejuḑi (vt) mold

                lümeju (n) mold; form; template

mek1 (n) m, the 42nd letter of the alphabet

mek2 (adj.) remote

meläg (n) advantage

mem (pron.) it

-mem (deriv.) idiosyncrasy; -ism

-meš (deriv.) similar

mëni (interj.) aha, eureka; expression of success or discovery

mëtri (adj.) vacant; void; unfilled

                mëtret (n) vacancy; void; open space

mi (adj.) some

mifun (adv.) sometime

mig (adj.) such; of the kind of

mihol (pron.) something

mikai (pron.) someone

mímoin (pron.) some kind

min, minḑi (vt) need

                minin (adj.) necessary

                minet (n) necessity

mina (adv.) somehow

mis, missi (vi) plead; intercede

mize (pron.) somewhere

mïspaǯ, mïspadǯi (vt) tour

mïš (prep.) like; as; similar to; according to

                mïššem (n) likeness

mïšán (interj.) bosh; expression of disbelief

mïšpeķ, mïšpeķţi (vt) appear or seem (to be)

mïššau (n) leaf

mïštarúd, mïštarúḑi (vi) listen (irregular; see the paradigm for darúd)

mïštel (n) horn; (euphemistically) penis

mobzëŋ, mobzëŋḑi (vt) simultaneously want and not want, often for different reasons

moi, moiḑi (vt) buy (irregular, class Ib)

moin (pron.) what kind (relative)

moiskoion (n) market

molo, moloḑi (vt) avoid (irregular, class Ia)

mondu (n) fortune

mos, mossi (vt) want

                moset (n) will

                ekmos, ekmossi (vi) volunteer

                bamos (adj.) willing; willful

mosnen (n) malice; ill will

                mosnenin (adj.) malicious

                mosneninčem (n) maliciousness

møgzë, møgzëḑi (vt) covet

                møgzet (n) covetousness

møx (adj.) same

møzer, møzerḑi (vi) wish; desire

                møzeret (n) wish; desire

                møzeretrüš (n) craving

mŕķ (interj.) argh; expression of frustration

mudz (n) storm

                mudzin (adj./n) stormy; the fifth month of the Anhrushite civil calendar

muju, mujuḑi (vi) gamble

mujün, mujünḑi (vt) earn

murrüs (n) lion

murt, murţi (vt) guide (irregular, class VIII)

murwy (n) cheetah

muš (n) root

mutẽ, mutenḑi (vt/vi) suggest; propose

muti, mutiḑi (vt) repeal

mürdau (n) ocelot

mürḑi (n) puma; mountain lion

mürrík (n) cat

mütrep (n) latitude

mütroil (n) longitude

myḑŕ (num.) myriad; 20,736

mÿkret, mÿkreţţi (vt) pity; empathize with; have compassion on


n (prep.) on, upon, across from (with dative); across, over (with accusative); in exchange for (with instrumental)

na (adv.) not

nab (n) n, the 40th letter of the alphabet

nablïm, nablïmḑi (vt/vi) debate; argue

                nablïmvö (adj.) debatable; arguable

naḑḑesk, naḑḑeskţi (vi) drill; practice

                naḑḑeskäg (n) drill; practice exercise

nag, nei (vt) do; perform (irregular, classless)

                nag okaipälkei, nei okaipälkei (vi) testify; bear witness (irregular; see the paradigm for nag)

nagdi (n) number

nagdilgör (n) pi; 3.14159…

nagdivlïs (n) logarithm; logarithmic scale

nagd‎yšen (n) e; the base of the natural logarithm; 2.71828…

naggïl (adj.) indigo; blue-violet

                naggïlog (adj.) light indigo

                naggïløš (adj.) dark indigo

naggoi (n) abacus

nai (conj.) how (relative)

naik (pron.) these people

nail (pron.) these things

nain (pron.) these

nakai (n) criminal

naķ (n) crime

nalkrït, nalkrïţţi (vt) anoint

nalso (n) mammal

nandlë, nandlëḑi (vt) embargo; boycott

nannen (n) vice; bad habit; useless action or obsession

naroi, naroiḑi (vt) choose (irregular, class Ib)

                naroiäg (n) choice

                naroiet (n) choosing (the action)

naš, našši (vt) spend

                našäg (n) expense

natso (adj.) purple

                natsospo (adj.) light purple

                natsošoi (adj.) dark purple

nau- (deriv.) reversal morpheme (becomes –ngau- when prefixes are added)

nauamblez, nauambleži (vt) put off; disconcert; confound (irregular, class VII)

naus (pron.) this much

nautÿz, nautÿži (vt) unstretch; loosen; let down (irregular, class VII)

nauždarkj (adj.) immoral but beneficial

nauǯŕau (adj.) independent

näfei (n) hoof

näg (n) deed; action

näkad, näkaḑḑi (vt) calculate; perform arithmetic

                näkadäg (n) calculation

                näkadet (n) arithmetic

                näkaduč (n) mathematics

nämo (n) wealth

näž (n) horse (irreg. pl. näžã)

neflïŋ (n) nomad; vagabond; vagrant

neglë­1, neglëḑi (vt/vi) leave (irregular, class Ia)

neglë2 (n) victim

-nen (deriv.) wrongness; badness

nendar (n) brain

                blünčënendar (n) stroke; cerebrovascular accident

neŋ (adj.) bad

neŋgi (adv.) badly

neš (adj.) lewd

                neššem (n) lewdness

neŵa, neŵaḑi (vt) blame

                ŵeneŵa (adj.) blameless

në́ķwu (n) guilt

                në́ķwyn (adj.) guilty

                eknë́ķwyn, eknë́ķwynḑi (vt) find guilty; render a guilty verdict on

nërbyls (n) caprice; random or unexpected choice; whim

                nërbylsin (adj.) capricious

niju, nijuḑi (vt) cause (irregular, class Ia)

nijuķobo, nijuķoboḑi (n/vt) cause to fall

niwø̈z, niwø̈zzi (vt) violate; transgress; break (a rule/law); deviate from (a social norm/standard)

                niwø̈ž (n) violence; transgression; social deviance

                niwø̈žin (adj.) violent; socially deviant

                niwø̈zgei(s) (n) violator; violent person; transgressor; social deviant

                niwø̈zäg (n) violation; violent act; transgression

nïkam (adj.) naked

nïvi (n) debt

                nïvikei (n) debtor

nḯ́voi, nḯ́voiḑi (vt) owe; be indebted to; debit (irregular, class Ib)

nobuz, nobuži (vt) hasten through (irregular, class VII)

noglït, noglïţţi (vt) impress

noiŋ (pron.) this

noipšoin, noipšoinḑi (vt) exchange

                noipšoinet (n) exchange; transaction

noja (pron.) therefore

nokrïfwo, nokrïfwoḑi (vt) copy; transcribe (irregular, class Ia)

noldo, noldoḑi (vi) swim (irregular, class Ia)

nomoin (pron.) this kind

nond (n) wheat

nondït (adj.) intrinsic

noŋglo (n) beer

norolgo, norolgoḑi (vt) span; extend across (irregular, class Ia)

                norolgoin (adj.) transverse

notrei, notreiḑi (vi) go to the other side; waffle; flip-flop (irregular, class II)

nowafu, nowavi (vt/vi) cross (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

nowai (pron.) thus

nowamblez, nowambleži (vt/vi) translate (irregular, class VII)

noweim, noweimḑi (vt/vi) pass through

nowïž, nowïžži (vt) transpose

nowölk, nowölkti (vt) transmit (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

nör (interj.) expression of confusion

nörķŕ, nörķŕḑi (vt) lift

nörwo, nörwoḑi (vi) ascend (irregular, class Ia)

                nörwet (n) ascent; ascension

nötkïŋ, nötkïŋḑi (vt) deny; refuse to admit

nø̃ (n) straw; dried plant stalks; tinder

nøn (n) grain; the seed of a wheat or barley plant; unit of weight equal to .06921 gram

nønŕaid (n) head of grain

nø̈ǯŕ (n) mill

nŕaid (n) head

nŕbak, nŕbakţi (vt) sum up; total

nŕdomb, nŕdombzi (vt) introduce; present; promulgate (irregular, class V)

                nŕdombet (n) introduction; presentation

nŕë (adv.) up

nŕkaǯ, nŕkaži (vt) tolerate; bear with; begrudge (irregular; see the paradigm for kaǯ)

                nŕkačat (adj.) tolerable

                nŕkaǯet (n) tolerance

                nŕkäz (adj.) tolerant

nŕķräš, nŕķräšši (vt/vi) hurl upwards; blast off

nŕlïŋ, nŕlïndi (vt) turn on (irregular, class III)

nŕm, nŕmḑi (vt) climb

nŕmurt, nŕmurţi (vt) stimulate; invigorate (irregular, class VIII)

nŕnörķŕ, nŕnörķŕḑi (vt) uplift; edify

nŕrüv (n) rocket

nŕšold, nŕšolḑI (vi) sprout; spring up

nŕtáltoi, nŕtáltoiḑi (vi) exult; glory; rejoice proudly

nŕv, nŕvḑi (vt) tan; make into leather; (reflexive) sunbathe

                nŕvgä (n) leather

nŕvad (adj.) tan

                nŕvadog (adj.) light tan; cream-colored

                nŕvadøš (adj.) dark tan (more yellow than brown)

nŕxil, nŕxilḑi (vt) arouse; stir up

-nu (deriv.) less (negative comparative)

nul̂ešø̈, nul̂ešø̈ḑi (vt) weigh down; stifle; frustrate

nüŋk (adj.) still; calm

nüx (conj.) unless

nyd (n) flax

nyǯ (n) linen

nÿgad, nÿgaḑḑi (vt) offend

                nÿgadäg (n) offense [result of offending]

                nÿgadgi (n) offending thing

nÿv, nÿvḑi (vi) sin

                ënÿv (n) sin


obgẽ, obgenḑi (vt) negotiate

obul (n) police

                obulgjø (n) police officer

(n) gender; kind

od (conj.) or, inclusive of all options

odǯa (adj.) frugal; wise with money

                odǯašem (n) frugality; financial wisdom

                odǯakei (n) frugal man

og (adj.) even; level; in balance; as it should be

ogam (n) coin; unit of weight equal to 13.288 grams [from the weight of a silver coin]

ogla (n) fish

oglal, oglalḑi (vt) absorb

oglïmwa (n) harbor; port

ogza (n) pool; reservoir

oi (num.) one

                ekoi, ekoiḑi (vt) unite

                oiš (adj.) first

                oič (n) whole

                oif (adv.) once

                oišti (adv.) firstly; chiefly; mainly

                oiškei (n) firstfruit

õi, oinḑi (vt/vi) match

oidafu, oidavi (vt) chase (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

oidav, oidavḑi (vt) follow

oihi, oihiḑi (vt) contrive

oijün (n) monopoly

oikëlo (adj.) decent

oikti (adv.) well

oilait (adv.) tomorrow

oilgoţ, oilgoţţi (vt) transfer

oilgwo, oilgwoḑi (vt) dedicate [from oilķ w o-, “give to”]

oilķ, oilkti (vt) give (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

                oilķäg (n) gift

                ŕŋäloilķ, ŕŋäloilkti (vt) give in advance (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

oilörk, oilörkţi (vt) reward; return (a favor or investment)

                oilörkj (n) reward; returned favor/investment

oindag, oindagḑi (vi) excel

                oindagin (adj.) excellent

oint (n) flour

ointaš (n) commerce

oiŋglo (n) tin

oiŋy, oiŋyḑi (vt) tempt

oiper, oiperḑi (vt) honor

                nauoiper, nauoiperḑi (vt) dishonor; disgrace

                óipei (n) honor; integrity; esteem

                oipervö (adj.) honorable; respectable; having integrity

                oipervöšem (n) dignity; high social status

oips (adv.) later

oistan (n) square

oiwoi, oiwoiḑi (vt) sacrifice

                oiwoikä (n) sacrifice; thing sacrificed

oiwoiüs (n) the twelfth month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [lit. “great sacrifice”]

                oiwoit (n) the act or practice of sacrifice

oix̌ (adj.) good

oiǯag (adj.) wise in philosophical arguments; wise in a generic way

                oiǯagžem (n) generic wisdom

                oiǯaggei (n) wise man in philosophy; generically wise man; philosopher

oja (adj.) common

ok (n) o, the fourth letter of the alphabet

okröţ (n) lake

oķrõ (n) water

oķŕn (n) wave

ol (pron.) they; plural impersonal pronoun

olfaǯ (n) bay

olķo, olķoḑi (vt) receive; get (irregular, class Ia)

óltrai, óltraiḑi (vt) defeat; vanquish

                óltraiet (n) defeat

omi (n) scow

omwo (n) boat

-on (deriv.) area of activity or authority

ondra, ondraḑi (vt) reject

                ondret (n) rejection

onhaz (n) ice

oŋk (n) barley

oŋkri, oŋkriḑi (vt/vi) brew

opjẽ, opjenḑi (vt) disappoint

oproig (adj.) holy

                oproigžem (n) holiness

                oproigon (n) sanctuary; holy place

                ekoproig, ekoproigḑi (vt) sanctify; hallow

                oproiggei(s) (n) saint; holy person

opŕŋäl (adv.) beforehand

(adj.) wet

ot (conj.) or, exclusive of all options

otöţ (n) horizon

otsal (n) liquid

oţ, oţţi (vt/vi) burn

                ekoţ, ekoţţi (vt) kindle; ignite; light (a fire); set on fire

ov (adj.) most

ovan (adv.) most ways

ovëšem (n) majority

ovo, ovoḑi (vi) assuage; drain

ovvu (adv.) most times; usually

oŵäš (n) sea

oŵeič (n) arena; unit of distance equal to 526.69 meters

oŵi, oŵiḑi (vi) mediate

oŵön (n) war

                oŵöŋgjø (n) warrior

ozza (n) amphibian

(n) country; nation; state

                ožin (adj.) national

                kaifož (n) countryman; male compatriot

                einifož (n) countrywoman; female compatriot

                čoiŋožet (n) statecraft; nation-building

ožel (n) fungus (irreg. pl. óžeil)


öblë (n) beggar; homeless man (irreg. pl. öblï)

                used as a verb: öblëḑi be a beggar; be poor

                öblet (n) poverty, especially absolute poverty, as of a beggar

                öblin (adj.) poor as a beggar

öḑäs, öḑässi (vi) evaporate

öḑḑafu (n) future

öḑḑeŋk (n) liver

ög (n) ö, the third letter of the alphabet

ökaut, ökauţţi (vi) accede; become a monarch

ökju (n) king

                ǯehökju (n) kingdom; monarchy

öķrïŋ, öķrïndi (vt) wash (irregular, class III)

ölfarķ (n) gulf

ölk, ölkti (vt) send (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

                ölkai (n) emissary; representative (masc. patientive of ölk)

                ölkaigjøt (n) apostleship

ölkrïŋ, ölkrïndi (vt) bring (irregular, class III)

ölkrom, ölkromḑi (vt) shun

önl̂aḑ, önl̂aḑḑi (vi) play; frolic

öraig (n) food

                eköraig, eköraigḑi (vt) feed

ördla (n) ocean

örg, örgḑi (vt) cook; prepare a meal

                örgon (n) kitchen

örkjo, örkjoḑi (vt) pour

öro, öroḑi (vt) ignore

örp, örpţi (vi) leap (irregular, classless)

örpjë (n) opera

örr (interj.) ouch; expression of pain

örwë (adj.) pompous

öxë (n) prince


ø̃, ønḑi (vi) spy

ød, øḑi (vt) load; burden; weigh down; make responsible (irregular, class VIII)

                øǯä (n) burden; load; cargo

øda (n) responsibility; liability

                ødain (adj.) responsible; liable

                ekødain, ekødainḑi (vt) impute; assign responsibility to

øfel (n) bias; partiality

øgz (adj.) gentle

ølt, ølţi (vt) keep (irregular, class VIII)

ømpa (n) cotton

ønd (n) bread

øŋ (adj./pron./conj.) either (of two)

øŋgör (n) pizza; round, flat piece of baked bread with sauce and other toppings

ør (adj./pron./conj.) either (of three)

ørxa (adj.) wise in a worldly way; knowledgeable in the means of survival and social success

                ørxašem (n) worldly wisdom; street smarts

                ørxakei (n) wise man concerning life skills

øs, østi (vt) fix; repair (irregular, class VI)

øšoi (adj.) black

                øšoispo (adj.) not that bad

øšpa (n) pupil

øtsë (n) flax

øvlø, øvløḑi (vt) plot; plan with a negative connotation

øz (n) ø, the sixth letter of the alphabet


ø̈du (interj.) well, then

ø̈dǯei (n) birth pang

ø̈ffø̃ (adj.) busy; occupied

ø̈g, ø̈gḑi (vt) extend

ø̈l (pron.) one; singular impersonal pronoun

ø̈lbon, ø̈lbonḑi (vt) supply

ø̈lgeš, ø̈lgešši (vt) offer

                ø̈lgešäg (n) offering

ø̈lgžë (adj.) foolish concerning life skills or worldly matters

                ø̈lgžëšem (n) foolishness in life skills or love

                ø̈lgžëkei (n) fool concerning skills or street smarts; fool for love

ø̈l̂eg (n) sense; common sense; sound mental capacity; rational ability

                bø̈l̂eg (adj.) sensible; making sense

ø̈m (conj.) as if; as though

ø̈ŋ (n) ø̈, the fifth letter of the alphabet

ø̈pau, ø̈pauḑi (vt) irritate

ø̈rd, ø̈rḑi (vi) quit; stop abruptly before the normal end (irregular, class VIII)

ø̈škaţ (n) temperature

ø̈žj (n) pain


(adv.) persistently; (with a verb) keep on

page (n) south

pailtë (adj.) severe; rigorous in punishing

                pailtëšem (n) severity

pakkḯ́ŋ, päkkḯ́ndi (vt) feel (irregular, class III)

paktan, paktanḑi (vt) sense

                paktanäg (n) sensation (something sensed)

                paktanet (n) sensation (the action)

                bapaktan (adj.) sensitive

                ŵepaktan (adj.) insensitive

                bapaktančem (n) sensitivity

                ŵepaktančem (n) insensitivity

pal (interj.) hello; hi

palgai, palgaiḑi (vt) surprise; startle

palker, palkerḑi (vi) appear; come into view

palkrë, palkrëḑi (vt/vi) look (for)

paloi, paloiḑi (vt) see (irregular, class Ib)

                palet (n) sight; visual perception

                paloivö (adj.) visible

palšë, palšëḑi (vt) explore

pamp (n) texture

pan, panḑi (vt) hide

panr̂o, panr̂oḑi (vt) reserve

panǯë (adj.) secret; hidden; private; known to few people; intimate; special

                panǯon (n) secret place; hiding place; private area; special place; (slang/euph.) genital area

                panǯem (n) secrecy; privacy; intimacy

paubeǯ (n) diplomacy

paukaǯ, paukaǯi (vt) hear (irregular; see the paradigm for kaǯ)

paŵoi, paŵoiḑi (vt/vi) taste

paždel (n) map

pe- (deriv.) collective marker

peijáķķei (n) shepherd

peķ (n) p, the 41st letter of the alphabet

pešëḑon (n) university

pevóškeit (n) guild; association of craftsmen

pezda (n) landscape

pëtušö (n) college; division of a university

pïblu (n) team; crew; squad; unit; group sharing a common goal

                pïblugjø (n) team member; crewman

pjeǯ (n) volume of sound

pjöḑj (n) camel; short-haired llama [irreg. pl. pjöḑjï]

poda (n) hand

                podain (adj) adroit; handy

                bapoda (adj.) hand-to-hand; close (combat)

podaus (n) unit of length equal to 15.24 cm

podlë, podlëḑi (vt) touch

pogam (n) glove

poi (conj.) so that

poirŕž, poirŕžži (vt) assemble a device or puzzle

poiš (adv.) together

                poišet (n) company

poiǯë, poiǯëḑi (vt) kiss

pošpar, pošparḑi (vi) wander

povo, povoḑi (vi) crawl (irregular, class Ia)

poǯün (n) palm (of hand)

pölvol (n) system

pösso, pössoḑi (vt/vi) suffer (irregular, class Ia)

pøgj (n) honey; syrup; nectar

pøx (n) list

praič, praitči (vt) approve (of)

praik (n) sound; noise

praiķwei, praiķweiḑi (vt) say (irregular, class II)

                praiķwäg (n) utterance; statement; saying

prastaŋ (n) forum

pratča (adj.) loud; noisy

                ečpratča, ečpratčaḑi (vi) cheer; make a loud noise; get loud; break out in joyful exuberance

prel, prelḑi (vt/vi) notice; see and be cognizant

pres, pressi (vi) agree

                presäg (n) agreement; contract

                naupres, naupressi (vi) disagree

                naupreset (n) disagreement

                eknaupres, eknaupressi (vi) be controversial; cause disagreement

                eknaupresez (adj.) controversial (present participle of eknaupres)

                eknaupreset (n) controversy

preskoprë (n) covenant [from presäg oproig, “holy contract”]

prestön (n) place; square (from Argóllan, orig. borrowed from Classical Anhrushite)

pri, priḑi (vt) gain

pris, prissi (vt) bend (irregular, class VI)

prïs (n) milk

                ekprïs, ekprïssi (vt) milk (an animal); masturbate (a man); perform a handjob on (vulgar except in the first sense)

prösič (n) coat

prøŋ, prøŋgḑi (vi) lodge; sojourn; dwell temporarily (in a place)

                prøŋkei(s) (n) guest; tenant

prüdz (n) scent; odor

prüške (n) robe

purd, purḑi (vt) shoot; fire; thrust; detonate, drive forth by force (irregular, class VIII)

püču (adj.) tame

pütsë, pütsëḑi (vt/vi) smell


rai (pron.) we (exclusive of second persons)

raiķ, raiķţi (vt) utter

raŋkai (n) magnate

raši, rašiḑi (vi) come (irregular)

rašnoikti, rašnoiktiḑi (interj./vt) welcome

                rašnoiktijon (n) foyer; porch

raud (n) grandfather

rax (n) vest

raz (n) r, the 35th letter of the alphabet

räd (n) grandparent

rälg, rälgḑi (vi) rotate; spin

rälgrüv (n) helicopter

räŋ (n) day

räŋgjá (n) the seventh and last day of the week [contraction of räŋ Jave, “Jave’s day”]

räŋgö́rḑ (n) the fourth day of the week [lit. “moon day”]

räŋgwoilš (n) the fifth day of the week [lit. “payday”, as it is the day when employees are paid for the week’s work]

räŋgzai (n) the third day of the week [lit. “dream day”]

räŋkolomh (n) the first day of the week [lit. “family day”]

räŋŋoi (n) the sixth day of the week [lit. “buy day”, from its role as the traditional market day]

räŋŵök (n) birthday; anniversary [compound of räŋ ŵök, “year-day”]

räŋxeiŋ (n) the second day of the week [lit. “sun day”]

räs (pron.) there

rästïmp, rästïmpţi (vi) inhabit; live in or at

                ekrästïmp, ekrästïmpţi (vt) settle; move to

                dÿnekrästïmp, dÿnekrästïmpţi (vt) resettle, often through force

                dÿnekrästïmpj (n) resettlement

rästo, rästoḑi (vt) blend

rei (n) cobra; wide-headed snake

reiķ (n) fabric; cloth

reinẽ, reinenḑi (vi) resign

reŋk, rendri (vt) lose; misplace (irregular, class IV)

rep (adj.) wary; on-guard against anything unusual

                ekrep, ekrepţi (vt) beware; look out for

rip (adv.) almost; nearly

rïnaugas (n) address

rïŋ (pron.) here

                rïŋx̌em (n) presence

rod- (adj) great- (prefix for distant generations)

rodíja (n) passion

roi (pron.) we (inclusive of second persons)

roinai, roinaiḑi (vi) vote

roiš (n) east

roiuv, roiuvḑi (vt) decide; determine

                roiuvin (adj.) decisive

                roiuvinčem (n) decisiveness

rok (n) chest

rolgo, rolgoḑi (vi) turn; change velocity (irregular, class Ia)

rombolžokei (n) ambassador; representative of a foreign country

romhïk, romhïkţi (vt) represent

                ǯeromhïk (n) republic

roŋ (n) façade; front of a building

roŋke (adj.) honest

(num.) ten

rönje, rönjeḑi (vt) prepare

ru (n) pot; generic liquid-carrying vessel; unit of liquid measure equal to 1.5552 liters

                rus (n) unit of dry measure equal to 43.699 liters

ruju (n) wind

                rujuwin (adj.) windy; used as a euphemism for “flatulent”

rujusk (n) breeze

rujuš (n) gust

rulë (interj.) expression of disappointment

rumji (n) heaven; outer space

                rumjin (adj.) heavenly; celestial

ruwíste (n) cube

ruz (n) piece

rüš (adj.) big; large

                ekrüš, ekrüšši (vt) enlarge; magnify; cause (something) to appear bigger

rüv, rüvḑi (vi) fly

rÿzzo (n) vessel used only for dry goods; unit of dry measure equal to 10.925 liters


ŕ (num.) three (3)

                ŕš (adj.) third, as in a sequence

                ŕč (n) third (fraction)

                ŕf (adv.) thrice

ŕain (n) means; way or method of accomplishing something

ŕaun (n) muscle

ŕägj (n) wrath

ŕäs (n) devil

ŕbã (n) abyss

ŕčaķ, ŕčakti (vi) be stillborn; be canceled early (irregular, class IX)

ŕdz (n) cousin, elder (uncle's son)

ŕḑ (n) block

ŕgũ (n) armor; (slang) contraceptives

ŕhon (n) cloud (irreg. pl. ŕhoin)

ŕigwÿ, ŕigwÿḑi (vt) cover

                ŕigwÿki (n) covering; dust jacket

ŕïŋk (n) triangle

ŕk (n) ŕ, the 15th letter of the alphabet

ŕkot (adj.) noble

ŕķ (interj.) gah; expression of disgust

ŕlaš (adv.) yesterday

ŕlg, ŕlgḑi (vt/vi) delay; postpone; tarry

ŕm, ŕmḑi (vi) jump

ŕna, ŕnaḑi (vt) dare

ŕnus (adj.) wicked

                ŕnuššem (n) wickedness

ŕŋäl (adv.) early; ahead of time; unexpectedly

ŕŋaǯ (n) danger

                ŕŋaǯem (n) distress

ŕroip (n) ancestor

                pjŕroip (n) genealogy; ancestry

ŕsë, ŕsëḑi (vt) rob

ŕsus (n) trouble

                ŕsusüs (n) tribulation; hardship

ŕtörķ (n) prison

                kaifŕtörķ (n) prisoner

ŕtsa, ŕtsaḑi (vt) promise

ŕtsilk (n) oath [contraction of ŕtsa wilkin “ritual promise”]

ŕübz, ŕübži (vt/vi) wake up; awaken (irregular, class VIII)

ŕüdz (n) cousin, younger (uncle's son)

ŕüǯ (n) cousin, younger (aunt's son)

ŕvav (n) tent; mobile cloth dwelling

                perváv (n) camp; campsite

                störvav, stïrvavḑi (vi) encamp; pitch camp; pitch a tent

                lurvav, lomvavḑi (vi) break camp

ŕwÿž (n) part (as of a machine); segment

                ŕwÿžin (adj.) partial

ŕzĩ, ŕzinḑi (vi) cry out; shout; yell

ŕǯ (n) cousin, elder (aunt's son)

r̂ablu, r̂abluḑi (vi) wail; ululate; mourn loudly

r̂adz (n) thief

r̂al (adj.) dull; lacking in luster

r̂am (n) age; eon; era; lifetime; period of undefined length

                r̂amj (n) age; finite, unfinished period

r̂ap, r̂apţi (vi) knock; rap; bang; tap

r̂ãu (n) trumpet; any kind of loud wind instrument

used as a verb: r̂aunḑi sound a trumpet; draw attention to oneself; brag about one’s accomplishments

r̂aumh (n) dick; cock (obscene)

r̂azbøķ, r̂azbøķţi (vt) criticize

r̂ämïn (n) military power or force

r̂eimu (adj.) serene; august; majestic; elevated in style or quality

                r̂eimušem (n) serenity; majesty; grandeur

                r̂eimüs (n) masterpiece; opus magnum

r̂ek (n) whip, typically a scourge for punishment

                eķrek, eķrekţi (vt) whip; scourge; flog

r̂emb, r̂embzi (vt) drag; haul (irregular, class V)

r̂eŋk, r̂endri (vt/vi) flex; bend repeatedly (irregular, class IV)

                r̂eŋkvö (adj.) flexible

r̂ezbë, r̂ezbëḑi (vt/vi) drown; extinguish; put out (a fire); quench; (idiom) get (a beverage) in one’s windpipe; (passive idiom) be fed up with

                naur̂ezbeţ (adj.) unquenchable

r̂ib (adj.) dear; valuable; precious; of great sentimental value; prized

                r̂ibj (n) treasure; prize; keepsake; something of great sentimental value to its owner

r̂ikj (n) mask; costume; disguise

                nag or̂ikj, nei or̂ikj (vi) disguise oneself

                er̂ikj, er̂ikjiḑi (vt) disguise (something)

r̂il (n) pivot; fulcrum; pole; axis; endpoint

r̂ïmh, r̂ïmhëḑi (vt) like; be favorably disposed towards

                naur̂ïmh, naur̂ïmhëḑi (vt) dislike

r̂ïnd, r̂ïnḑḑi (vt) exalt

r̂ïŋkra (n) pyramid

r̂of (n) intestine; gut(s)

r̂ogleb (adj.) wrong

r̂oŋga (n) music

                eķroŋga, eķroŋgaḑi (vt) play (an instrument)

r̂oŋk (n) rumble; low pitch; rhythm; beat

r̂osk (adj.) ancient; from long ago; remote in time

                r̂oski (adv.) long ago; in ancient times

                r̂oskj (n) ancient times

r̂ölkÿ (n) bow (weapon)

r̂ø̈m (adj.) sincere; candid; truthful; genuine; authentic

                r̂ø̈mj (n) sincerity; candidness; truthfulness; authenticity

r̂ŕz, r̂ŕzzi (vt) charge (with a crime)

r̂u (n) r̂, the 36th letter of the alphabet

r̂ulgö (n) sphere; orb; ball

r̂uxüŋ, r̂uxüŋḑi (vt) appreciate

r̂üŋgi (n) poison

r̂üx̌i (adj.) mature; adult

r̂ỹ (n) stealth; furtiveness

r̂ÿča (n) arrow

                r̂ÿčasäk (n) dart, either the weapon or the game object


sablïm, sablïmḑi (vt/vi) stress; apply or feel pressure

sak (adj.) small

salïm (adj.) complete

samr̂ïl (adj.) innocent

samr̂i (n) innocence

sarei (adj.) short

                exarei, exareiḑi (vt) shorten; cut short

sarv, sarvḑi (vi) escape

saug (adj.) old

saǯo (n) egg

säkkoz (n) dew

säǯar (n) faction; political party

se (aux.) attenuative auxiliary

seimjeķ (n) school

seindo (adj.) previous

seiŋ (n) sun

                seiŋŕë (n) sunrise

                seiŋkjo (n) sunset

serso (adj.) physically hard

                exerso, exersoḑi (vt) harden; indurate

sertsø (adj.) plump; positively fat

sëflu (adv.) soon

si, siḑi (vt) cut; incise

sig (n) zeal; fervor

                sigin (adj.) zealous; fervent

                sigent (n) zealot

sïbdan (n) hat

sïkuz, sïkuzzi (vt) divorce; leave (a spouse); break up with (a significant other)

                sïkuž (n) divorce; certificate of divorce; breakup

sïl (adj.) narrow

sïlïx (n) shape; form

                exïlïx, exïlïxsi (vt) conform; cause (something) to take on a shape

sïmpeg, sïmpegḑi (vi) remain

                sïmpeget (n) remainder; remnant

sïnča (n) soldier

                busïnča (n) comrade; fellow soldier

                pesïnča (n) army

sïnčauru, sïnčauruḑi (vt) conquer

skait (n) volume (three-dimensional space)

skaǯ (adj.) next

skent (n) host(ess)

skileŋ (n) kidney

skis (n) urine

                exis, exissi (vi) urinate

sočo, sočoḑi (vt) push (irregular, class Ia)

sod (n) s, the 21st letter of the alphabet

sol (adj.) few

                solšem (n) minority [lit. “fewness”]

solḑ (n) forest

solijaio (adj.) untrusting; reluctant to trust

solus (pron.) few (amount)

solwu (adj.) poor

sontet (n) enmity; mutual hatred or hostility

sotän (n) enemy

sozo, sozoḑi (vt) pull (irregular, class Ia)

sölsomp (adj.) ascetic; spartan; deliberately simple and unadorned

sø̈ķj (n) cunt; female genitals (obscene)

spail (n) lily; light-colored, star-shaped flower

spïmei (adj.) jealous

                spïmeišem (n) jealousy

                expïmei, expïmeiḑi (vt) provoke to jealousy

spog (adj.) white

spozo, spozoḑi (vt) squeeze (irregular, class Ia)

spũ, spunḑi (vt) trace; track

                spunvö (adj.) traceable

                nauspunvö (adj.) untraceable

sŕäl (n) pirate; bandit

st (prep.) in, among, inside of (with dative); into (with accusative); in favor of, on behalf of (with instrumental)

staia (n) flag

stait, staiţţi (vi) boast; brag

stanëm (adj.) crooked

starp (n) angle

stauŋ (n) front; anterior; obverse; ventral side

stegasno, stegasnoḑi (vt) advocate; recommend (irregular, class Ia)

steim, steimḑi (vt/vi) intend

                ësteim (n) intent; intention

steitsë (n) cedar tree

steķrač, steķratči (vi) bring good news; evangelize; proselytize

stin (adj.) inward

stobuz, stobuži (vt) incur; result in (irregular, class VII)

stok, stokţi (vt) immerse; drench; baptize

                stoket (n) immersion; baptism

stokrïfwo, stokrïfwoḑi (vt) inscribe; brand (irregular, class Ia)

stoķräš, stoķräšši (vt) sprain

stoķø̈dz, stoķø̈dzzi (vt) call for

stol̂ešø̈, stol̂ešø̈ḑi (vt) print; stamp; tattoo

ston (n) inside; interior

                stonu (adj.) inner; internal

stonaroi, stonaroiḑi (vt/vi) interpret (irregular, class Ib)

stopalkrë, stopalkrëḑi (vt) inspect

storolgo, storolgoḑi (vt) turn inside out; invert (irregular, class Ia)

                storolgomen (adj.) inverse

stosul, stosuldi (vt) let in; admit (irregular; see the paradigm for sul)

stotrei, stotreiḑi (vt) undertake; step into (irregular, class II)

stowafu, stowavi (vt) go into; penetrate (a partner) (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

stowïž, stowïžži (vt) impose

stožbÿz, stožbÿži (vt) inaugurate; swear in (irregular, class VII)

stučoiŋ, stučoindi (vt) infect; stain (irregular, class III)

studar, studarḑi (vt) embrace; hug [from st udara, “in the arm”]

stukaǯ, stukaži (vt) include (irregular; see the paradigm for kaǯ)

                baxtukaǯin (adj.) universal; all-inclusive

stupris, stupristi (vt/vi) inflect; mark grammatical relations (irregular, class VI)

sturigwÿki (n) foreskin; prepuce

stusi, stusiḑi (vt) engrave

stutÿz, stutÿži (vt) strain; exert; hold inside (irregular, class VII)

stuwainamb, stuwainambzi (vt) inject; instill (irregular, class V)

stuwamblez, stuwambleži (vt) infer (that) (irregular, class VII)

stuweim, stuweimḑi (vt) induce; lead in; bring in

stuwïž, stuwïžži (vt) insert

sul, suldi (vt) take (irregular, classless)

sulom, sulomḑi (vt) capture; seize

sulwuš, sulwušši (vt) borrow; take something with permission from its owner

sur (adv.) then

sỹ (n) chaff; debris; detritus; something of little or no value


šabdaž (n) brother-in-law (sister's husband)

šaberza (n) husband of a sibling's child

šabo (n) husband

                šabwäţ (n) fiancé

šaból (n) marriage

šabŕdz (n) husband of a cousin

šadz (n) wall

šaḑḑažžab (n) husband of a spouse's sister

šai (adv.) yes

šaik (pron.) those people

šail (pron.) those things

šain (adj.) those

šakálţ (n) wedding

used as a verb: šakálţţi get married

                šakálţkei (n) groom

                šakálţkeis (n)  bride

šalom (n) peace; safety; soundness (of body); sanity; tranquility; contentment

                šalompat (adj.) peaceful; safe; sound (in body); sane; tranquil; content

šam (n) door

šapšïv (n) son-in-law

šaptaiv (n) uncle by marriage

šaša (n) branch

šau (num.) eight

šaus (pron.) that much

šausog (conj.) as much as

šav (n) gate

šax (n) stick

šädlu, šädluḑi (vt) support

                šädlulau (adj.) supportive

šändõ (adj.) drunk; intoxicated; inebriated

                šändönčem (n) drunkenness; intoxication

šedräb (n) pillar; column

šeig (n) pearl; rare, precious item

šelsom (n) vein; blood vessel

-šem (deriv.) -ness (quality of an adjective)

šeŋ, šeŋḑi (n/vi) blood; bleed

                šeŋŋen (n) clot; embolus; thrombus

                blünčeŋŋen (n) embolism; thrombosis (reduces to blunch- in related compounds)

šerd (n) ward; charge

šerim, šerimḑi (vt) judge in court

                šerimäg (n) judgment

                šerimgjø (n) judge

šerk (n) magistrate

šesnïm (n) artery

šëḑ, ši (vt) know (irregular, classless)

                pešëḑ (n) knowledge

                ex̌ëḑ, ex̌i (vt) make known (irregular; see the paradigm for šëḑ)

                eššëḑ, ešši (vt) come to know; get acquainted with; familiarize oneself with (irregular; see the paradigm for šëḑ)

                naušëḑ, nauši (vt) not know; be ignorant of (irregular; see the paradigm for šëḑ)

                naušez (adj.) ignorant [lit. “unknowing”]

                naušëwau (n) ignorance

šëḑautke (n) conscience [contraction of šëḑedlem autke, “knowledge of morality”]

Šëḑeif (title) Doctor

šëḑweiŋ (n) šëḑweiŋ; humanoid

                šëḑweiŋin (adj.) of one or more šëḑweiŋa; human

šëkaub (n) detail

ši (adj.) near; close; proximal

šïf, šïfţi (vi) shine; emit light

šïktø, šïktøḑi (vt) winnow; sift; pare; purify; fan

                lüšïktø (n) winnowing fan, or any kind of fan

šïv (n) son

šïvŕdz (n) son of a cousin

škanel, škanelḑi (vt) remove

škefa (adj.) humble

škeim, škeimḑi (vt) accept

                škeimet (n) acceptance

šken (n) ant

škoš (n) bush

škoţ, škoţţi (vi) break; burst; rend; tear

                transitive form ex̌oţ, ex̌oţţi

                luwex̌oţ, luwex̌oţţi (vt) break off (a piece)

škur, škurḑi (vt) compare; evaluate subjectively

šo (n) š, the 22nd letter of the alphabet

šof, šofţi (vt) execute

šoind (n) prism

šoinŕ (adj.) fertile

šoiŋ (pron.) that

šoja (adv.) for that reason

šold, šolḑi (vt/vi) grow (irregular, class VIII)

šomoin (pron.) that kind

šonaš (n) industry

šono, šonoḑi (vi) stay (irregular, class Ia)

šowai (adv.) in that way

šöm (n) window

šördakau (n) doctrine

šörïm (n) way; path

šø̈f, šø̈fţi (vt) kill actively and intentionally; kill in battle

                lüšø̈f (n) weapon

šø̈ţ, šø̈ţţi (vt) kill an animal eg. for food; slaughter

                šø̈ţon (n) slaughtering place; slaughterhouse

šø̈ž, šø̈žži (vt) cause pain; harm; hurt

                vaišø̈ž (adj.) sadistic

                vaišø̈žet (n) sadism

špaf (adj.) mundane

špal (adj.) manifest; obvious

špau (n) wasp

špeŋk (n) chance; random event

špu, špuḑi (vt) deserve

šŕ (n) shoulder

šŕḑ (adj.) just

                ex̌ŕḑ, ex̌ŕḑḑi (vt) justify

                ex̌ŕḑet (n) justification

                naušŕḑ (adj.) unjust

štaunǯë (adj.) moral but detrimental

štog (adj.) green

                štogog (adj.) light green

                štogøš (adj.) dark green

štoggïl (adj.) blue-green

                štoggïlog (adj.) light blue-green

                štoggïløš (adj.) dark blue-green

štoi, štoiḑi (vt) behold (irregular, class Ia)

štu (n) termite

šudz, šudzzi (vt) defile

šuf, šufţi (vi) trespass

šujair, šujairḑi (vi) prostitute oneself; play the harlot

                šujairgjø (n) prostitute; harlot; whore; slut

                šujairgjøt (n) prostitution

šuju, šujuḑi (vi) commit adultery

                šujukei (n) adulterer

                šujukeis (n) adulteress

šukau (n) incest

šulei, šuleiḑi (vi) prosper

šunai, šunaiḑi (vt) cost

šuš, šušši (vi) copulate; mate; have sex

                šušet (n) sexual intercourse

                šušin (adj.) sexual

šuv, šuvḑi (vi) fornicate; be promiscuous

                šuvj (n) fornication; promiscuity; sexual immorality

šuwa, šuwaḑi (vt) save

                šuwet (n) salvation; deliverance

šuǯav (n) hero

šübu, šübuḑi (vt) force; make something happen

šüg (adj.) blank; clear

šümbo, šümboḑi (vt) interest

šynt (adj.) sad

                blünčynt (n) depression

                šyntüs (n) misery

                šyntüsin (adj.) miserable; wretched

šÿv, šÿvḑi (vt) kill passively or accidentally


taidläk, taidläkţi (vt) persecute

taikë, taikëḑi (vt) torment

taiko (n) discipline; formal punishment intended to improve character

taint (n) rooster

tairüf, tairüfţi (vt) torture

taiso, taisoḑi (vt) punish

taiššab (n) uncle of a spouse

taiv (n) uncle

talkrei, talkreiḑi (vt) discover (irregular, class II)

                talkreiet (n) process of discovery

                talkreiäg (n) something discovered

táltoi (n) joy

                ektáltoiven, ektáltoivenḑi (vi) rejoice

tanhjo, tanhjoḑi (vi) act

                tanhjon (n) theatre

                tanhjonzë (n) television

taroi, taroiḑi (vt) appeal

tarüŋ (adj.) new in time or location; having recently come into existence

                tarüŋoix̌ (n) good news; gospel

                ektarüŋoix̌, ektarüŋoix̌ši (vt) evangelize; tell good news to

tatpïr, tatpïrḑi (vt/vi) distinguish; identify as different

tauḑ, tauḑḑi (vi) spread (out)

                transitive form ektauḑ

täd (n) mass; lump; tumor

täl (n) mass (similar to weight)

tebũ (n) bear

tedgad (n) ore

telb, telbḑi (vt) invite

                telbet (n) invitation

tesi (n) scrotum

tešu (n) testicle

tev (n) sibling of a parent (gender-neutral)

ti (n) dune; sand hill

                tijon (n) erg; sand sea

tidzaŋ (n) image; verisimilitude; facsimile

tíţei (n) source; origin; urheimat; basis

tïŋk (n) chicken (irreg. pl. tïŋkï)

tïs (adj.) sharp; (slang) poignant

to (n) t, the 19th letter of the alphabet

tokra (adj.) free

                ektokra, ektokraḑi (vt) liberate; free

                tokret (n) freedom; liberty

tolo (vt) call

                tolowint (n) vocative case

tolvaŋ (n) herb (irreg. pl. tólvaiŋ)

törko, törkoḑi (vt/vi) fuck; have sex (with) [obscene] (irregular, class Ia)

törvo, törvoḑi (vt) collect; gather together (irregular, class Ia)

                törvon (n) living room

                törväg (n) collection; gathering

                petörvo (n) assembly (of people); congregation

törwäs, törwässi (vi) conspire; plan to commit evil

tös, tösti (vt) wear; have on (irregular, class VI)

                ektös, ektösti (vt) put on (irregular, class VI)

tø̃, tønḑi (vi) lunge

traŋk, trandri (vt) lose; be defeated (irregular, class IV)

tränǯem (n) calamity; catastrophe

träzda, träzdaḑi (vt) weave

trẽ, trenḑi (vt) weigh

treit (n) degree; 1/288 of a circle

trek (n) musical note

trëdda (n) cardinal (red bird)

trič (n) cheese

triḑ (n) aroma

                ektriḑ, ektriḑḑi (vt) savor; relish; enjoy the scent of

tris (n) bed

trïs (n) sugar

trøš (n) raven

tŕš, tŕšši (vi) slip

tud, tuḑḑi (vt) to attribute (something)

                tudäg (n) attribute

tulïm, tulïmḑi (vt) teach

                tulïmäg (n) teaching; lesson; doctrine

                tulïmgjø (n) teacher; scholar; scribe

tušëḑ, tuši (vt) learn (irregular; see the paradigm for šëḑ)

                tušei(s) (n) student

tüdz (n) magnet

tüggai (n) baby; infant

tühhŕ (adv.) on and on

tỹ (n) mold (fungus)

tÿz, tÿži (vt/vi) stretch (irregular, class VII)


ţad, ţaḑḑi (vt) spray; sprinkle; strew

ţaif (n) beard

ţair (n) hair, collective

ţargon (n) dragonfly

ţarķ, ţarķţi (vt) help; aid

ţäbwak (adj.) new in substance or form

                dÿnţäbwak, dÿnţäbwakţi (vt) renew

ţedõ (n) stone

ţegwë, ţegwëḑi (vi) bow; prostrate oneself

                ekţegwë, ekţegwëḑi (vt) afflict; make (someone) bow

ţeiķ, ţeiķţi (vt) advise; counsel

                ţeiķķei (n) advisor; counselor

ţerb (n) banana; (euphemistic) penis

ţetsu (n) mortar

ţi (n) ţ, the 20th letter of the alphabet

ţĩ, ţinḑi (vt) require

                ţinet (n) requirement

ţïf (adj.) patient

                ţïfet (n) patience; longsuffering

ţïl (n) point (geographical)

ţïsk (n) moth (irreg. pl. ţïskï)

ţjõ, ţjonḑi (vt) tie; connect two cables

ţlã (n) story; tale

ţläg (n) village; hamlet

ţli, ţliḑi (vt) affect

                ţlijäg (n) effect

                ţlijin (adj.) effective

                nauţlijin (adj.) ineffective

ţlïktø̈ (n) refuge; respite; reprieve; grace period

ţloi, ţloiḑi (vt) stab (irregular, class Ib)

ţodli (n) gnu

ţoiŋ (adj.) ambient temperature

ţoŋken (n) elephant

ţozo, ţozoḑi (vt) catch; apprehend (irregular, class Ia)

ţöd (n) hook; corner

                ţödgjø (n) fisherman; con artist

ţörk (n) antelope

ţør, ţørḑi (vt) scare; frighten

ţrein, ţreinḑi (vt) take (medicine); receive into one's body; consent to sexual penetration

ţroz (adj.) easy

                ekţroz, ekţrozzi (vt) ease; make easy

ţrÿǯ (vt) yield; give over to

ţŕjõ, ţŕjonḑi (vt) care for; attend to

ţulp, ţulpţi (vt) fear

                ţulpet (n) fear

ţulţed (n) hyrax

ţum (n) box; unit of dry measure equal to 455.2 milliliters

ţunt (n) rabbit

ţük (n) mouse (irreg. pl. ţoik)


ũ (adj.) stiff; rigid; inflexible

-u (deriv.) more (positive comparative)

-uč (deriv.) field of study

udav (n) shin

uḑet (prep.) since

uja (interj.) okay; expression of understanding

ulbaŋ (n) vine

                ulbaŋon (n) vineyard

ulwëgz (n) detriment

um (article) a; indefinite article

umïkai (n) light

umpri, umpriḑi (vi) ferment

untïlai, untïlaiḑi (vi) wonder; marvel

uŋgë, uŋgëḑi (vt) decline

urfei (n) heel

urţ (n) dimension

ušen (n) nature

                ušenin (adj.) natural

                nauušen (n) unnatural thing; something contrary to nature

ušmei (n) price

                ŵehušmei (adj.) free; priceless

uz (n) u, the 12th letter of the alphabet


üd (n) ü, the 11th letter of the alphabet

ülge (adj.) round

ümb, ümbḑi (vt) serve

                ümbet (n) service

                ümbëkei (n) servant; server

ünt (n) oat

üŋ (num.) two

                üǯ (adj.) second

                üŋk (n) half

                ümf (adv.) twice

                eküŋ, eküŋgḑi (vt) alienate; set against; pit against; put at odds with

üŋglalŕt (n) unit of weight equal to 137.77 kilograms

üŋgu (adj.) vicious; cruel; mean; terrible

üŋkaifwas (n) unit of length equal to .9144 meter [lit. “half man width”]

-üs (deriv.) augmentative suffix


vadav (n) tail

vai- (deriv.) -philic

vaidroš, vaidrošši (vt) worship

                vaidrošet (n) act of worship

vailau, vailauḑi (vt) love with passion and selflessness

vainded (n) (char)coal

vainë (n) fire

                vainašmenj (n) cherub; seraph [lit. “fire-spirit”]

vainut (n) oven

valai, valaiḑi (vt) love based on romantic feelings and actions; be infatuated with; be affectionate with

valbo (adj.) loyal; faithful

                valbošem (n) loyalty; faithfulness

valo, valoḑi (vt) love based on possessive feelings and control; love greedily or jealously

valož (n) patriot

vaulem, vaulemḑi (vt) love as a parent

vauli, vauliḑi (vt) love as a child

vaulïn, vaulïnḑi (vt) love as siblings

važo (n) vagina (irreg. pl. vážoi)

väķ (n) knife

väldo, väldoḑi (vt) admire

vä́lei, vä́leiḑi (vt) love based on sexuality and sexual acts; lust for

välïjai, välïjaiḑi (vt) love in a generic sense; love as a fellow person

vämbexul, vämbexuldi (vt) integrate (in calculus) (irregular; see the paradigm for sul)

                vämbeķläg (n) integral

vämpalkrë, vämpalkrëḑi (vt) look back at; gaze at

vämpris, vämpristi (vt/vi) reflect (light/image/wave/sound); repulse (attack); take (photograph) (irregular, class VI)

vänainamb, vänainambzi (n/vt) scorn (irregular, class V)

vänamblez, vänambleži (vt) withdraw; recall (irregular, class VII)

väneim, väneimḑi (vt) reduce

vänl̂øŋk, vänl̂øndri (vt) moor (irregular, class IV)

vännagdi (n) reciprocal; multiplicative inverse

vänölk, vänölxi (vt) send away; send back; dismiss (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

vänølt, vänølţi (vt) retain; hold back; uphold (irregular, class VIII)

vänŕ (adv.) backward

vänr̂emb, vänr̂embzi (vt) retract; bring back (irregular, class V)

väntrei, väntreiḑi (vi) worsen; deteriorate (irregular, class II)

väntsi, väntsiḑi (vt) prune; curtail

                väntsikei(s) (n) gardener; orchard worker

väŋķrač, väŋķratči (vi) bring back word

väsneglë, väsneglëḑi (vt) leave behind; bequeath (irregular, class Ia)

vätev (n) shell

vätriḑ (n) spine; backbone

väţ (n) back; dorsal area

väţamblez, väţambleži (vt) consider less important; esteem lightly (irregular, class VII)

väţïst (prep.) behind (with dative); after, since (with instrumental)

väţrolgo, väţrolgoḑi (vi) turn around; do an about-face (irregular, class Ia)

ve, veji (vt) be; copula (irregular, classless)

več, veči (vt) become (irregular, classless)

                ekveč, ekveči (vt) cause to become; turn into; (passive) be made (like) (irregular; see the paradigm for več)

veilk (adv.) maybe; perhaps

veiŋ (adj.) selfish

velb (n) joke; something meant to be funny

velïm (n) penis (irreg. pl. velim)

velšø̈v (n) practical joke; humorous situation that takes advantage of someone

-ven (deriv.) reflexive suffix

vendrüv (n) airplane

veš (n) fork; pronged eating utensil

vešmĩ, vešminḑi (vt) maintain

vex, vexsi (vt/vi) fail

                vexet (n) failure

vëţu (adj.) separate

vi (n) vendetta

vil (n) bv, the obsolete 24th letter of the alphabet

vili, viliḑi (vt) love as a friend

virt (conj.) lest

vis, vissi (vi) succeed

                bavis (adj.) successful

vïŵŕ, vïŵŕḑi (vi) happen

vïkjaŋ (n) mind; intellect; executive function; president; microprocessor

vïldỹ, vïldynḑi (vt/vi) decrease

vïlša, vïlšaḑi (vt) divide

                vïlšäg (n) division (as between people or groups)

                vïššäg (n) quotient

vïm (n) gem

vïml̂ut (n) diamond

vïmpu (n) jewel

vïntai, vïntaiḑi (vt) announce

vïŋk (n) self; individual

                vïŋkin (adj.) individual; personal

vjimji (n) enigma; mystery; something that is not understood

vjøgj (n) alpaca; mid-sized, alpine camelid [irreg. pl. vjøgji]

vlïs (n) fraction; ratio

vlös, vlössi (vi) waver; vacillate

vlÿgz (n) riddle

voblai (n) meteor

vodli, vodliḑi (vi) care

                vodlijüs, vodlijüssi (vt/n) obsess about; obsession

                blünvodlijüs (n) obsessive-compulsive disorder

                nauvodlindi (adv.) nevertheless

                nauvodli, nauvodliḑi (vi) not care; be apathetic

                nauvodlet (n) apathy

vofeidaun (n) footrest; footstool; pedestal; podium

vogaubur (n) subway [from vóhein-gaubur, “below-railroad”]

vogo, vogoḑi (vi) creep (irregular, class Ia)

vohafu, vohavi (vt) pass under (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

vohainamb, vohainambzi (vt) subordinate; subject (to) (irregular, class V)

vohe (n) bottom; ventral side; low point; nadir (irreg. pl. vóhei)

vohïž, vohïžži (vt) substitute

vohölk, vohölxi (vt) moderate (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

                vohölket (n) moderation

vohølt, vohølţi (vt) sustain; put up with (irregular, class VIII)

voileŋ, viïleŋḑi (vt) love unconditionally; love as a spouse

                voileŋkai(s) (n) beloved; spouse (often used poetically)

voiník, voiníkţi (vt) rescue

vok, vokţi (vt/vi) drain

vokrïfwo, vokrïfwoḑi (vi) subscribe (irregular, class Ia)

von (n) v, the 33rd letter of the alphabet

voraši, vorašiḑi (vt/vi) come to help/aid; come to one's rescue (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

vorolgo, vorolgoḑi (vt) subvert; overturn; undermine (irregular, class Ia)

vosul, vosuldi (vt) take up (a cause or occupation); assume (a responsibility) (irregular; see the paradigm for sul)

voš (n) craft

                voškei (n) craftsman

votÿz, votÿži (vt) extend beneath; subtend (irregular, class VII)

-vö (deriv.) -able

völvov (n) hierarchy

völwo, völwoḑi (vt/vi) order (irregular, class Ia)

vøk, vøkţi (vt) allow; permit

vøle, vøleḑi (vt) love as long as certain conditions are fulfilled

vøs (adj.) contrary

                vøsti (adv.) on the contrary

vrud (n) discipline; self-control; self-mastery

                vrutat (adj.) disciplined; having self-control; orderly

vŕla, vŕlaḑi (vt) love based on passivity, with no significant actions; love in name only

                vŕlahi (adj.) favorite

vu (adj.) more

vug, vugḑi (vt) scold; reprove; rebuke

vusmïk, vusmïkţi (vt) visit

vwaulan (adv.) moreover; furthermore

vyŋ (n) reproach

vytsïr, vytsïrḑi (vt) protest

vÿs, vÿsti (vt) suck on (irregular, class VI)


w (prep.) near, on the same side as (with dative); to, toward, until (with accusative); through, during (with instrumental)

wad (n) w, the 25th letter of the alphabet

wafu, wavi (vt) attend; frequent (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

wainamb, wainambzi (vt) hurl; fling; throw angrily (irregular, class V)

waiŋk (n) hot pepper

wal (adj.) dull; bland; lacking in intensity

                ečwal, ečwalḑi (vi) become bland or boring; lose flavor or intensity

wálpair, wálpairḑi (vi) fade; disappear from view

wamb, wambḑi (vt) import

wamblez, wambleži (vt) bring to; produce (irregular, class VII)

wamby, wambyḑi (vi) abound; be full

                wambyn (adj.) abundant

                wambet (n) abundance

wan (n) toad

wasnet (n) length

wau, wauḑi (vt) bore; be uninteresting

                wauin (adj.) boring

wäkral (adj.) ashamed but giddy or ecstatic

wäķjaķ (n) draught; overly-powerful air conditioner

wänǯë (adj.) proper; appropriate

                wänǯet (n) propriety

webuz, webuži (vt) skim through (irregular, class VII)

wehafu, wehavi (vi) go to waste (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

wehamblez, wehambleži (vt/vi) endure to the end (irregular, class VII)

wehölk, wehölxi (vt) relinquish (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

wehølt, wehølţi (vi) relate (to); pertain (to) (irregular, class VIII)

                wehøltez (adj.) relative

                wehølţau (n) relation; analogy

weidard (n) sentence

                weidarduč (n) syntax

                weidardzäk (n) clause

weidint (n) adverb

weidzø (adj.) generically foolish; unlearned in or unfamiliar with philosophy or reason

                weidzøšem (n) generic foolishness

                weidzøkei (n) fool in a generic sense

weiïž (n) adposition (used of all kinds)

weim, weimḑi (vt) bring up (in conversation)

weiŋ (n) word

                peweiŋ (n) phrase

weiŋga (n) verb

weiŋglø̈ (n) message

                weiŋglø̈kei (n) messenger; angel

weippuz (n) grammatical article

weizäč (n) noun

weizgom (n) adjective

wek (n) frame

weķø̈dz, weķø̈dzzi (vt) pass (a law)

wepalkrë, wepalkrëḑi (vt) see through; grasp the true nature of

werolgo, werolgoḑi (vt) ruin (irregular, class Ia)

wer̂emb, wer̂embzi (vt) lure; bait; beguile (irregular, class V)

wesul, wesuldi (vt) secure; make safe (irregular; see the paradigm for sul)

wetÿz, wetÿži (vi) persist; press on (irregular, class VII)

wewoilš, wewoilšši (vt) pay off; give what is due; pay (a bill or invoice)

wil (adj.) broad; wide

wildek (n) ritual

wimbar (n) poem; eloquent speech

wïx (n) bean

wïž, wïžži (vt) appoint

-wo (num.) -ty

wobu, wobuḑi (vi) reach; extend with the intent of obtaining something

wobuz, wobuži (vt/vi) charge (an enemy) (irregular, class VII)

wočoiŋ, wočoindi (vt) influence (irregular, class III)

wogŕķ, wogŕķţi (vi) immigrate [lit. “migrate to”]

woilš, woilšši (vt) pay; give earned money

                woilšäg (n) payment

                vänwoilš, vänwoilšši (vt) repay; pay back

wokrïfwo, wokrïfwoḑi (vi) enroll (irregular, class Ia)

wokrïm, wokrïmḑi (vt) access

                wokrïmet (n) access

wolëran (n) afternoon

wolzai (n) size

                wolzölbølt (n) proportion; relative size

wol̂ešø̈, wol̂ešø̈ḑi (vt) clench (teeth)

wol̂øŋk, wol̂øndri (vt) involve (irregular, class IV)

womurt, womurţi (vi) stand on end; become aroused (sexually); get an erection (irregular, class VIII)

won (n) place; location

wonaroi, wonaroiḑi (vt) recruit (irregular, class Ia)

wontsïm (n) destination

                wontsïmint (n) dative case

wopalkrë, wopalkrëḑi (vt/vi) regard; contemplate; meditate

wopris, wopristi (vt/vi) lobby; manipulate (irregular, class VI)

woraši, worašiḑi (vt/vi) approach; draw near (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

woräs (adv.) thither

worïŋ (adv.) hither

worolgo, worolgoḑi (vt) attract (someone’s) attention (irregular, class Ia)

wor̂emb, wor̂embzi (vi) inhale (irregular, class V)

wor̂ïŋ, wor̂ïndi (vi) arrive (irregular, class III)

wosi, wosiḑi (vt) cut up; hew; invade; intrude; trespass

wotrei, wotreiḑi (vi) seize opportunity (irregular, class II)

wotÿz, wotÿži (vi) pay attention; listen carefully (irregular, class VII)

                wotÿzet (n) attention

                wotÿzez (adj.) attentive

                nauontÿzez (adj.) inattentive

woväţi (adv.) afterwards

wox (adv.) also; additionally

wožbÿz, wožbÿži (vt) adjure; implore; admonish earnestly (irregular, class VII)

wölk, wölxi (vt) grant (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

                wölkäg (n) grant

wöst (prep.) throughout (with dative)

-wøč (deriv.) of a field of study

wølt, wølţi (vi) hold together; withstand an attack (irregular, class VIII)

wŕäg, wŕägḑi (vt) waste

wŕdan (n) forehead; brow

wŕfet (n) height

wŕïn (adj.) high; superior in standing or station; dominant

wudei (n) frog

wurf (n) battle

wÿgloi, wÿgloiḑi (vt) break through; break into; burglarize (irregular, class Ib)


ŵ (prep.) without (with dative); except for (with accusative); against, despite (with instrumental)

ŵa (adj.) bold; audacious

ŵalk, ŵalkţi (vt) change

ŵamprïl (n) chickpea

ŵarg (n) fruit

                eķwarg, eķwargḑi (vi) bear fruit; be productive

                eķwargez (adj.) productive; fruitful

ŵark, ŵarkţi (vt) focus on; keep an eye on; aspire to

                ŵarkin (adj.) focused; ambitious

                ŵarkj (n) ambition; aspiration; goal

                ŵarkjen (n) selfish ambition; intrigue

ŵatse, ŵatseḑi (vt) beset; assail

ŵaug (n) fort

ŵaup, ŵaupţi (vt) prosecute; sue

ŵauš, ŵaušši (vt) impeach

ŵäggo, ŵäggoḑi (vt) accuse

ŵämp (n) pea

ŵäv, ŵävḑi (vi) disperse; make room; clear out; give place

ŵe- (deriv.) -less

ŵečaŵe, ŵečaŵeḑi (vt) laugh at; deride; ridicule

ŵeigasno, ŵeigasnoḑi (vt) acknowledge; avow; profess; recognize (irregular, class Ia)

                ŵeigasnet (n) acknowledgment; profession; recognition

                ŵeigasnokei (n) professional; master craftsman

ŵeikrïfwo, ŵeikrïfwoḑi (vt) write out (irregular, class Ia)

ŵeiķrač, ŵeiķratči (vt) disclose; disclaim

ŵeilgör (n) tangent (trigonometric function)

ŵeissi, ŵeissiḑi (vt) cut out

ŵeiţ (n) outside; exterior

                ŵeiţu (adj.) outer; external

ŵeiţafu, ŵeiţavi (vt/vi) emit; (reflexive) ejaculate (irregular; see the paradigm for afu)

                ŵeiţafäg (n) semen

ŵeiţainamb, ŵeiţainambzi (vt) eject; discharge (irregular, class V)

ŵeiţamblez, ŵeiţambleži (vt) bring out (irregular, class VII)

ŵeiţïž, ŵeiţïžži (vt) expose

ŵeiţkaǯ, ŵeiţkaži (vt) exclude (irregular; see the paradigm for kaǯ)

ŵeiţlešø̈, ŵeiţlešø̈ḑi (vt) pronounce

ŵeiţölk, ŵeiţölkti (vt) expel; send out (irregular, class IX with ablaut)

ŵeiţraši, ŵeiţrašiḑi (vi) turn out; give a certain kind of result (irregular; see the paradigm for raši)

ŵeižbÿz, ŵeižbÿži (vt) disown; discharge (from military service or a position of authority) (irregular, class VII)

ŵelt (adj.) clean; hygienic

                eķwelt, eķwelţţi (vt) clean; sanitize

ŵenag, ŵenei (vi) be a hypocrite; have a double standard (irregular; see the paradigm for nag)

                ŵenaxei (n) hypocrite

                ŵenëgz (adj.) hypocritical

ŵepkard (n) harp; plucked musical instrument

ŵepoš, ŵepošši (vt) strike; hit; punch; slap

                lüŵepoš (n) hammer

ŵerolgo, ŵerolgoḑi (vt) betray; turn against; mutiny (irregular, class Ia)

ŵert (n) summit; peak; (metaph.) orgasm

ŵëraumb (n) iamb

ŵid (adj.) lightweight

ŵidei (n) paragraph; stanza of a poem

ŵifeǯ, ŵifedǯi (vt) kick

ŵikaš, ŵikašši (vt) neglect

ŵĩ (n) ethnicity; race; people

                ŵinin (adj.) ethnic

                kaifwĩ (n) ethnic kinsman

                einifwĩ (n) ethnic kinswoman

ŵïdgø, ŵidgøḑi (vt) beat; thresh; flail; strike or hit repeatedly so as to break apart

                ŵïdgøjon (n) threshing floor

ŵïgbar (n) hotel

ŵïgẽ (n) inn

ŵïgza (n) tomato

ŵïmp (n) flavor

ŵïn (n) hw, the 26th letter of the alphabet

ŵïŋ (n) tar; pitch

ŵïs, ŵïsti (vt) wipe (irregular, class VI)

ŵoḑ, ŵoḑḑi (vt) provoke

ŵoig (n) drink; beverage

                eķwoig, eķwoigḑi (vt) give a drink to

ŵoš, ŵošši (vt) rape

ŵozgë (n) goose

ŵoǯ, ŵodǯi (vt/vi) split

ŵök (n) year

ŵör (n) gas

ŵöx (n) voice

                ŵöxauan (n) telephone; pager; any device used for long-distance voice communications

used as a verb: ŵöxauanḑi call by phone

                ŵöxauandzë (n) cell phone

ŵø̃ (adv.) repeatedly; around (frequentative)

ŵømblë́ķ, ŵømblë́ķţi (vt) scour; purge; clear out; rub hard

ŵønädla, ŵønädlaḑi (vi) have an orgasm or seizure

                ŵønädläg (n) orgasm; seizure

                eķwønädla, eķwønädlaḑi (vt) give (someone) an orgasm; make (someone) come

ŵøneŋ, ŵøneŋǯi (vt) devour; consume

ŵønŕm, ŵønŕmḑi (vi) jump for joy; be very glad; be exuberant; be ecstatic

ŵŕt, ŵŕţi (vt/vi) fight (irregular, class VIII)

ŵu (adj.) eager

ŵurg (n) awe; amazement; a state of profound, speechless wonder and appreciation

                ŵurglau (adj.) awesome; amazing; sacred

                ŵurgin (adj.) in awe of; reverent

                nauŵurgin (adj.) profane; irreverent

                eķwurg, eķwurgḑi (vt) revere, treat as sacred; stand in awe of

                naueķwurg, naueķwurgḑi (vt) profane; desecrate; treat with irreverence

ŵymbë (n) trochee

ŵÿmb (n) meter (of poetry)


(n) disgust

                bahyč (adj.) disgusting; vile

yfra (n) program

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎yhẽ, ‎‎yhendhi (vt/vi) plow; arrange in rows or columns

                lüh(n) plow

‎‎yhenäg (n) furrow; row or column

yhø̈, yhø̈ḑi (vt) adopt

                yhet (n) adoption

yktar (adj.) pure, in a moral sense

yķald, yķalḑḑi (vt) curse

yķalǯau, yķalǯauḑi (vt) blaspheme [lit. “curse god”]

                yķalǯet (n) blasphemy

yl (n) y, the eighth letter of the alphabet

yls (adj.) random

ymel (adj.) superior; having the upper hand

ymr̂oŋk, ymr̂ondri (vt) sing

                ymr̂oŋkäg (n) song

ynhai (n) space; extent, either limited or unlimited; blank area

                ynhain (adj.) spacious; wide-open; expansive; vast

(adv.) no

yŋkrøn, yŋkrønḑi (vt) doubt

yŋodz (n) anarchy

yroi, yroiḑi (vi) abstain

yšoi (n) acid

yšto (adj.) weak

                yštošem (n) weakness

yţeŋ (n) dinner; the evening meal

yţüŋ (n) evening

yvïk (n) council

yzdaķ (adj.) wise in spiritual or religious matters; guru-like

                yzdax̌em (n) spiritual or religious wisdom

                yzdaķķei (n) wise man concerning spiritual matters; guru

yzzo (adj.) dry

                ekyzzo, ekyzzoḑi (vt) wither; dry (sth.) out

yžbon, yžbonḑi (vt/vi) provide; give what is needed


ÿ (interj.) ugh; expression of displeasure

ÿbys, ÿbyssi (vt) appraise; vet; evaluate for possible approval or acceptance

ÿd (n) fist (irreg. pl. yd)

ÿḑëŋ (n) thorn

ÿgloi, ÿgloiḑi (vi) dig (irregular, class Ib)

                lügloi (n) shovel; spade

ÿk (n) ÿ, the seventh letter of the alphabet

ÿl, ÿlḑi (vi) proceed

ÿlţab (n) thistle; brier; bramble; thorny plant

ÿl̂i, ÿl̂iḑi (vt) astonish; shock; stun

ÿmegz (n) moa; giant flightless bird [irreg. pl. ÿmegzã]

ÿnd, ÿnḑḑi (vt) appease; pacify; propitiate

                ÿndet (n) appeasement; propitiation

ÿppỹ (adj.) available; free; not busy

ÿr (num.) six

ÿspŕ (adj.) spiritually foolish; heathen

                ÿspŕšem (n) spiritual foolishness

                ÿspŕkei (n) spiritual fool; heathen

ÿx (vt) test; examine

                ÿxet (n) test; examination

ÿžni, ÿžniḑi (vt) forbid


za (conj.) where (relative)

zaddaz (n) territory

zaf (n) base

zafa (n) lowland

zaga, zagaḑi (vi) boil

zai (n) vision; dream

zaikalë (n) senate

                zaikalgjø (n) senator

zaikar, zaikarḑi (vt) elect

zaikarḑau (n) the eighth month of the Anhrushite civil calendar [lit. “electing”]

zan (n) z, the 23rd letter of the alphabet

zanhoŋ (n) feature of terrain or a face

zapju (n) basin

zarïn (n) highland

zarkjoč, zarkjotči (vt) excavate

zau (pron.) I

zägant (n) reptile

zäho, zähoḑi (vi) freeze

zärïn (n) cliff

zäs (n) soil; earth

zätsïl (n) cape; narrow piece of land

zätüŋ (n) isthmus

zäţ (n) land; ground

zäţok (n) beach; coast

zbant (n) fly; small flying insect

zbõ (n) greed; avarice; mammon

zböŋ, zböŋḑi (n/vt) farm; till; cultivate

zdaiŋ (adj.) deliberate

zdỹ (n) grain (as of sand); speck; nuance; shade (of meaning); minute difference

zeiŋ (n) staff; walking stick; scepter

zeš (n) field; plain (irreg. pl. zeiš)

zezör (n) meadow

-zë (deriv.) diminutive suffix

zgeišp (n) desert tortoise

zgeŋ (n) purpose

zgöķŕ (n) turtle

zi (num.) zero

zidar, zidarḑi (vt) forget

                zidarden, zidardenḑi (vt) snub; spurn

zifu (adv.) never

ziho (pron.) nothing

zikai (pron.) nobody; no one

zim (adj.) none

zimbo (n) wife

                zimbwäţ (n) fiancée

zímoin (pron.) no kind

zina (adv.) no way; in no way; not at all

ziši (prep.) nowhere in or near

zizai (pron.) nowhere

zizdi (adj.) worst

zizdu (adj.) worse

zïzi, zïziḑi (vi) whisper

zo, zoḑi (vt) be like; resemble; look like; mimic (irregular, class Ia)

                zoi (n) parable; proverb; object lesson

zolda (adj.) deep

                zoldet (n) depth

zom (n) region; zone

zörv (n) sand

zuž, zužži (vi) default

zyčav (vt) abhor; detest; find morally repugnant; have righteous anger towards

                zyčavgä (n) abomination; atrocity; something morally offensive

                zyčafat (adj.) abhorrent; abominable; detestable

                zyčavj (n) righteous anger


žag (n) ž, the 24th letter of the alphabet

žau (adv.) for no reason; without cause

žaulda (n) present

                žauldain (adj.) present; current

žaunu (n) log

žaunǯ (adj.) immoral

                žaundǯem (n) moral badness

žbũ (n) proper time; right time

žbÿz, žbÿži (vt/vi) swear; affirm emphatically (irregular, class VII)

ždaŋk (n) bee

ždau (n) tree

                ždauzë (n) shoot; sapling; graft

                ekždauzë, ekždauzëḑi (vt) graft

ždyķ (n) hell

žẽi (n) bruise

                edǯẽi, edǯeinḑi (vi) become bruised

                egžẽi, egžeinḑi (vt) bruise (someone or something)

žeič (n) rod (weapon); bludgeon; unit of weight equal to 22.962 kilograms

žes (n) wood

žëḑet (n) science

žgaxam (n) quetzal; colorful bird of prey

žgen (n) pasture; corral

žgik (n) board

žin (n) beam

žï (adv.) adjective weakener

žoi (n) minute

žoiso (conj.) while; at the same time

žolaķ (adv.) today

žörko, žörkoḑi (vt) divert; turn from a previous direction (irregular, class Ia)

žøryf, žøryfţi (vt) judge; form an opinion about

žŕfi (adv.) likewise; in the same way

žŕgz (n) ash

žuḑaiš (n) weather

žukei (adj.) indigenous (used of peoples)

žukoi (n) custody

žurḑu, žurḑuḑi (vi) secede

žus (adv.) no more; no further; (with w) no longer

žuvu (n) season; time period of similar weather and celestial alignments

žuwai (adj.) native

žüšÿ (adj.) perverse

                ekžüšÿ, ekžüšÿḑi (vt) pervert

                žüšÿkei(s) (n) perverted person

                žüšäg (n) perversion; perverse act

                žüšet (n) perversity


ǯafoķ (n) flood

ǯai (num.) eleven

ǯaim, ǯaimḑi (vt) establish; found; lay a foundation for

ǯakj, ǯakjiḑi (vt) arrest

ǯakon (n) property; asset

ǯakraŋ (n) salt

                ekǯakraŋ, ekǯakraŋgḑi (vt) add salt, flavor, or seasoning to

ǯamb (prep.) beside; next to

ǯambuz, ǯambuži (vt/vi) roam (irregular, class VII)

ǯamr̂emb, ǯamr̂embzi (vt) distract (irregular, class V)

ǯannaroi, ǯannaroiḑi (vt) select (irregular, class Ib)

ǯaŋķø̈dz, ǯaŋķø̈dzzi (vt) abrogate; annul

ǯaŋķräš, ǯaŋķräšši (vt) distort

ǯe- (deriv.) government; -ocracy

ǯei (adj.) extreme

ǯeš, ǯešši (vt) reap; harvest

ǯevøku (n) privilege; revocable man-given entitlement

ǯež (n) grandchild (irreg. pl. ǯežã)

ǯëkoind, ǯëkoinḑḑi (n/vi) sweat

ǯërrai, ǯërraiḑi (vt) grind

ǯiḑ, ǯiḑḑi (vi) rest; relax; not do work

                edǯiḑ, edǯiḑḑi (vt) give rest; refresh; relieve

                ǯiḑäg (n) rest; relaxation; refreshment; repose; relief; down-time

ǯiķwaim (n) mine

ǯiluš, ǯilušši (vt) expend

ǯimakj (n) chip; flake; scale

                blünǯimakj (n) leprosy; psoriasis

                blünǯimakjikei(s) (n) leper

ǯir (n) province; administrative division/region of a country, esp. Anhrush

ǯïv (n) grandson

ǯo (adv.) very, degree 1

ǯoi (adv.) very, degree 3

ǯoskë (adj.) last; final

ǯöhïŋ, ǯöhïndi (vi) rot; spoil (irregular, class III)

                ǯöhïmben (adj.) rotten [irreg. past participle of ǯöhïŋ “rot”]

ǯör (n) ǯ, the 31st letter of the alphabet

ǯø̈ (adv.) very, degree 2

ǯŕa, ǯŕaḑi (vt) depend or rely on

ǯŕau (adj.) dependent

ǯubus (adj.) crippled; lame; moving with a limp

ǯum (n) grape

ǯumglo (n) wine

                vaiǯumglo (adj.) wine-bibbing; given to drinking too much

                vaiǯumglokei (n) winebibber; alcoholic; perpetual drunkard

ǯuš (n) bill; tab; invoice

ǯygži (adj.) obese; negatively fat

ǯÿnr̂ölv (n) hymn; psalm; song used in worship

ǯyr̂õ (adj.) absolute; not needing a context

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